ELEC271 Op Amp Design
Creation date:2024-05-21 17:49:56
Op Amp Design
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Coursework name Experiment 5 – Op Amp Design
Component weight 20%
Semester 2
HE Level 5
Work Individual
Timetabled time 6 hours
Suggested private study 10 hours
Assessment method Lecturer / STA
Submission format Online via Canvas
Submission deadline As detailed by your lab group
Late submission Not permitted
Resit opportunity None
Anonymous marking yes
Feedback via Canvas GradeMark within 2 weeks of deadline
Subject of relevance ELEC271 Parts 1 - 7
Learning outcomes
(LO1) Circuit operation
(LO2) Circuit design fundamentals
Experiment 5 – Design and Verification on an Op-Amp
The project requires you to design an Operational Amplifier Circuit to meet the required
specifications as given below. You will be required to simulate the Amplifier in Multisim to
verify that you have met the design requirements. Assessment will be in the form of a
laboratory report, which will detail your design (including discussion of choices and rationale)
as well as discussing the simulation results and how well your design has met the
Op – Amp Specifications:
Differential input impedance, Rid > 100 kΩ
Voltage gain (Aol) greater than 500,000
Output impedance, Ro < 1 kΩ
Output voltage to be ‘zero’ volts for zero input
Frequency response down to D.C.
Supply voltage +9 to -9 V
total current consumption not greater than 5 mA
The Assignment should be completed on your scheduled lab day and should be
undertaken in the relevant computer lab, where staff and demonstrators will be
available to assist you.
The lab should be undertaken individually (but please talk to your class mates and
discuss your designs as you progress)
You must write and submit an individual report.