ELEC 3848 Integrated Design Project
Creation date:2024-05-21 15:34:15
Integrated Design Project
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ELEC 3848 Integrated Design Project
Guidelines on Reflection
What is a Reflection Paper?
Different from a lab report in which you just describe what you have learned in the lab, lab
reflection allows you to express your opinions and thoughts of what you have experienced in
the lab exercise. You have to apply analytical skills to demonstrate your arguments and
thoughts for real applications. You can also describe your innovative ideas in the reflections.
Requirements of ELEC 3848 Reflection
1. Each student should develop his/her own reflection.
2. The required reflection in this course should be related to laboratories.
3. The laboratory reflection should be around 800 words, excluding the cover page and
4. Illustrations/diagrams are welcome.
5. Citation/reference MUST be added whenever necessary, such as web links.
6. Please write concisely. Marks will be deducted for overlength/too short submissions.
What you can write in a reflection on the design of a smart port (You should have ALL the
items required)
1. Define the set-up of your smart port with at least one smart function, such as logistic,
communication, control, energy, and etc
2. Describe the details of TWO functional sub-systems with sensing and control
system/function for your smart port such as container loading/logistic, communication
subsystem, lighting, AGV and etc.
3. Could the smart port improve efficiency of the port, optimize resource and/or impact
to the environment ? State your arguments in support of your claim.
Grading criteria
Satisfy length requirement: 2 points
Justification of arguments and opinions, innovation demonstration: 8 points
Each reflection would be graded for an Overall: 10 points