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Career Plan Report
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BUSS2000: Career Plan Report
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Part 1: Self-Assessment (20%)
Analysis of preferences,
strengths and areas for
development drawing on
a mix of 3: theories /
concepts and literature
explicitly from Theme1
modules –(15%)
Exceptional critical analysis
which clearly identifies and
distinguishes between
preferences, strengths and
areas for development.
Analysis integrates relevant
theories/literature from
theme 1
Excellent critical analysis
which clearly identifies
and distinguishes between
preferences, strengths and
areas for development.
Analysis integrates
relevant theories/literature
from theme 1
Critical analysis which
identifies and
distinguishes between
preferences, strengths
and areas for
development. Analysis
integrates relevant
theories/literature from
theme 1
A clear description of
preferences, strengths
and areas for
development. Marginal
use of theories/literature.
No description of
preferences, strengths and
areas for development or
description that is not
relevant. No application
of theories/literature or
theories/literature used are
unrelated to the unit.
One Situation-Task-
Action-Results (STAR)
example –(5%)
Exceptionally clear,
insightful, concise and
specific STAR behavioural
Clear, concise, insightful
and specific STAR
behavioural example
Clear and specific
STAR behavioural
Clear STAR behavioural
STAR unclear, not
relevant / meaningful.
Part 2: Career Goals, Values and Ethics (20%)
Outline of career goals
(using SMART) –
Exceptionally clear and
concise goal/s using all
elements of the SMART
framework effectively
Clear and concise goal/s
using all elements of the
SMART framework
Concise goal/s using
all elements of the
SMART framework
Concise goal/s using
most elements of the
SMART framework
No goal/s or not using the
SMART framework
Connection between
your career SMART
goals, values and ethics-
(10% )
Exceptionally clear, concise
and insightful integration of
values and ethics with
specific examples
Clear, concise and
insightful integration of
values and ethics with
specific examples
Some integration of
values and ethics but
may lack a clear focus.
Fairly surface level
connections made
between values and
ethics and career goal (s).
No connection between
values and ethics and the
career goal.
Part 3: Career & leadership integration and reflection (30%)
Reflection on how part 1
(Self-Assessment) and
part 2 (Career Goals,
Values and Ethics) helps
to clarify your career
direction &
understanding of your
leadership within the
context of your career.
Exceptional and insightful
integration between part 1
and 2. Clear and thoughtful
links made between the two
parts with implications for
career direction and
leadership in the context of
your career.
Effective integration
between part 1 and 2.
Thoughtful links made
between the two parts
with implications for
career direction and
leadership in the context
of your career.
Part 1 and 2 are
integrated. But links
made between the two
parts are fairly general.
with some implications
for career direction and
leadership in the
context of your career.
Some integration
between part 1 and 2 and
surface level implications
for career direction and
leadership in the context
of your career.
No integration between
part 1 and 2. No
consideration of
implications for career
direction and leadership in
the context of your career.
Provides an example of
specific experience /
skills that are needed to
be effective in future
Exceptional insight into
specific experiences / skills
needed and how they can be
obtained. Well justified and
specific strategies for
gaining these experiences /
Insight into specific
experiences / skills
needed and how they can
be obtained. Well justified
strategies for gaining
these experiences / skills.
Some insight into
experiences / skills
needed and how they
can be obtained.
Strategies identified for
gaining these
experiences / skills.
Some consideration
given to experiences /
skills needed and how
they can be obtained.
Strategies identified for
gaining these experiences
/ skills, but may be
No consideration given to
experiences / skills needed
and how they can be
obtained. Strategies for
gaining these experiences
/ skills are not identified.
Identifies areas/skills to
develop to contribute
and be effective in
leadership. (5%)
Exceptional and well-
justified recommendations
based on theory and analysis
with clear and specific
strategies for leadership
Excellent and well
justified recommendations
based on theory and
analysis with specific
strategies for leadership
Some specific
recommendations for
leadership based on
theory and analysis.
Some consideration of
recommendations for
leadership development
but suggestions lack
specificity or would be
difficult to implement
No consideration of