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Assignment 1. Suppose that you are interested in studying intravenous drug use among high school students in Canada. Drug use is characterized as a binary random variable, where 1 indicates that an individual has injected drugs within the past year and 0 that he/she has not. Covariate information related to drug use includes: infor- mation about drug use provided in school (y/n), age of student (years), employed part-time (y/n), school connectedness (Likert scale), and gender (m/f). (a) [3pts] Propose and defend a suitable model for the aforementioned data. Be sure to write down the model equation. (b) [2pts] Discuss any potential interactions that might be worthwhile including in your model and provide justification as to why (or why not). (c) [1pts] Which R package(s) would you use to fit the above model? (d) [2pts] What tools would you use to assess model fit and proceed with variable selection? 2. [10pts] Install the R Package faraway. Consider the esdcomp data that were recorded on 44 doctors working in an emergency service at a hospital to study the factors affecting the number of complaints received. Build a model for the number of complaints received, justify your choices, and report your conclusions. (250 words). 3. [10pts] The bootstrap is a general tool for assessing uncertainty. Describe the boot- strap in general and then use it to investigate a statistic of relevance to the dataset you have selected for your project. Take advantage of the functions available in the R Package bootstrap and be sure to include your references. (500 words).