COMM3030 Social Entrepreneurship Practicum
Creation date:2024-05-20 16:34:50
Social Entrepreneurship Practicum
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COMM3030 Social Entrepreneurship Practicum – Sameview (1)
Project Title Enhancing Workplace Support for Carers
Details Input Date 27th January 2023
Business Name sameview
Business Overview Sameview is a ‘profit-for-purpose' social enterprise operating under an
Australian Company (Pty Ltd) structure. Sameview provides an online platform
for people with disability, their families, and supports that enables them to have
better communication and collaboration with each other. Sameview’s mission:
• Supporting families and individuals to be confident and engaged in their
care and supports;
• For every person to have the best team that works together towards
their goals and aspirations; and
• Create more effective healthcare, social, and personal outcomes.
Outside of sameview’s founders, the company’s shareholders include:
• The Cerebral Palsy Alliance
• StartUpHealth
Project Description Sameview’s platform has a userbase of ~4500 across Australia. Users include
both people with disabilities as well as their supports (i.e medical, allied health,
education, disability support, family and employers).
Sameview’s business model is currently business to consumer (B2C) meaning
fees are predominantly paid for by the person with disability themselves. Often,
this is covered by their individualised National Disability Insurance Scheme
(NDIS) funding plans.
While B2C is a growing and stable revenue stream, it is resource intensive and
slow in its growth rate. Hence, Sameview is looking to diversify its revenue
streams to lower risk, improve financial sustainability, increase capacity to
participate in values-aligned projects and further innovate in and support the
disability community.
One idea we have for diversification is to explore a business to business (B2B)
model whereby we sell at an organisational level rather than at an individual
level. Why?
COMM3030 Social Entrepreneurship Practicum – Sameview (1)
Broadly, there is growing recognition of people with unpaid carer responsibilities
and the impacts these responsibilities have (1). One sphere we have observed
this recognition is in the workplace. With the rise of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR), Diversity and Inclusion, Employee Reference Groups and
Employee Wellbeing programs within organisations, we believe there could be
an opportunity to partner with businesses and would like to explore that with
Please note, sameview has engaged in some B2B partnerships but all have been
ad-hoc/bespoke arrangements. This project is concerned with how we might be
able roll-out a more standardised offering to organisations.
Project Deliverables This project will support sameview in establishing a consistent framework or
template for engaging with corporates. Your team should:
• Identify potential corporate organisations that have internal values
and/or CSR/Diversity and Inclusion/Employee Wellbeing programs that
align with sameview’s mission.
• Interview organisations to:
o Understand how sameview’s impact could best align with their
objectives and impact measures.
o Determine potential suitable business models.
o Understand key concerns and barriers to successful project
• From the feedback and knowledge acquired, develop a framework or
template that could be used to engage other organisations.
The team should provide sameview with:
• An analysis of interviews conducted with organisations.
• Proposed B2B / engagement model for corporates, this should include
the proposed business model, implementation structure and outcome
• Materials to be used in future engagement (proposal deck).
The team should be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
• Issues faced by people with disability, carers, and professionals - relating
to managing and coordinating disability supports.
• At a high level, how the disability funding (NDIS) and support ecosystem
operates in Australia.
COMM3030 Social Entrepreneurship Practicum – Sameview (1)
• Impact of carer’s responsibilities on families, at a holistic level (from
both personal and professional (employer) view).
Other Information Access to impact reports, webinars, presentations, etc. can all be found on
sameview’s website, via the contact person.