COMM1120 Assessment 1A: Reflection on collaboration
Creation date:2024-05-20 16:10:18
Reflection on collaboration
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COMM1120 Assessment 1A: Reflection on collaboration
Student ID:
Subheadings are provided as a guide only, change as needed. We have only included
two spaces after each subheading. This should not limit your writing. You are to decide
how much to write in each subheading while keeping within the word limit. Delete
italicised text prior to submission.
Image caption: describe what the picture represents (what collaboration means to you)
Concrete experience: relate the picture and your description to an experience of team
Reflective observations: on how that team was established
Insert image here. Change size of
frame as needed. Image to be no
more than half the page.
Abstract conceptualisation: how these observations relate to at least one course
Active experimentation: how you might approach team formation in the future when
establishing a team based on what you have learned from this reflection