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MGMT5050 Assignment 1 – Organisational memo T1 2023: Marking Criteria and Rubric Criteria Unsatisfactory Below expectation Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Demonstrates analysis and understanding of principles of diversity relative to the chosen area and with links to SDGs Little or no reference to the diversity area, lacks links to SDGs principles or is largely general knowledge or descriptive Mark: 0 Demonstrates little understanding of the link between SDGs and the chosen diversity area. Lacks links to specific course knowledge Mark: 12 This field has been intentionally left blank Student identifies the overarching themes/ arguments of the diversity principles with application to SDGs with direct links to course content. Mark: 28 Student integrates course content and makes meaning with links on the chosen diversity area to SDGs and highly relevant and insightful links to their own values and broader societal issues. Mark: 32 Demonstrates a clear, deep, and sophisticated understanding of the course content with specific cited examples. Integrates course content and makes meaning with links on the chosen diversity area to SDGs and highly relevant and insightful links to their own values and broader societal issues enabling targeted action to be taken Mark: 40 Links the argument to the work context in an applied manner Submission provides a description of the diversity area in a work context Mark: 0 Student makes a descriptive provision of diversity and SDGs in the workplace but this is generic or literal. Mark: 6
This field has been intentionally left blank A surface but linked application to the workplace demonstrating application in a practical and course informed manner. This would include workplace values discussion with examples but overall lacks depth Mark: 14 Student links application to the workplace demonstrating practical and course informed workplace practice. This would include workplace values discussion with examples connecting the arguments to the course ideas and broader debates. Mark: 16 Student provides sophisticated analysis of the connection between the course and broader debates on the workplace with links to arguments and values Mark: 20 Constructs a clear and sophisticated argument Text does not have a clear focus; possibly contains irrelevant or repetitive material Mark: 0 There is no discernible argument to the memo Mark: 6 Evidence of an attempt to state the position in the introduction and conclusion, although the argument lacks coherence. Mark: 12 The position is stated explicitly in both the introduction and the conclusion. Some evidence of an attempt to support this argument / position in the memo. Mark: 14 Position is stated explicitly in both the introduction and the conclusion. The position is developed and well supported in clear, logical steps throughout the memo. Mark: 16 The student has developed a sophisticated position which is clearly stated in both the introduction and the conclusion. The position is developed in clear, logical steps throughout the memo.
Mark:20 MGMT5050 T1 2023: Assignment 1 – Marking criteria and rubric 2 Structures text logically, coherently and communicates clearly and concisely Text is not structured to meet assignment outcomes, with errors such as: no introduction and/or conclusion; paragraphs not well-developed or coherently linked; ineffective transitions between paragraphs, use of lists/ bullet points unexplained; does not present main argument, ideas and information logically or coherently; does not express (or explain where necessary) complex ideas and information clearly in language appropriate for the intended audience and purpose (using own words where possible); excessive use of informal/ inappropriate language (e.g. ‘text’ language, contractions, slang), poor sentence construction (incomplete sentences;, poor paragraph structure (i.e. 1 or 2 sentence paragraphs); and/or uses inaccurate expression/grammar which often makes meaning unclear. Mark: 0 Text is not structured to effectively achieve writer’s aim, with errors such as inadequate introduction and/or conclusion; paragraphs not well- developed or coherently linked; ineffective transitions between paragraphs, use of lists/ bullet points unexplained; does not express (or explain where necessary) complex ideas and information clearly in language appropriate for the intended audience and purpose (using own words where possible); excessive use of informal/ inappropriate language (e.g. ‘text’ language, contractions, slang), poor sentence construction (incomplete sentences); poor paragraph structure (i.e. 1 or 2 sentence paragraphs); and/or uses inaccurate expression/grammar which often makes meaning unclear. Mark: 5 Generally, presents main argument, ideas, and information logically and coherently, e.g.: - Text has a generally clear focus, with little or no irrelevant material - Attempt at development of ideas relevant to the assignment, but lacks depth and focus; key points are identified - Text has an adequate structure, such as having an introduction and conclusion (although may be under-developed); paragraphs generally well- developed and linked, although this could be more consistently effective.
Generally, but not consistently, expresses (and explains where necessary) complex ideas and information clearly in language appropriate for the intended audience and purpose (using own words as much as possible). Some spelling mistakes, use of contractions, poor sentence construction (incomplete sentences), inappropriate / informal word choice, such as “text” language, spelling, or slang, poor paragraph structure (i.e. 1 or 2 sentence paragraphs), Mark:9 Generally, presents main argument, ideas, and information logically and coherently, e.g.: - Text has a generally clear focus, with little or no irrelevant material - Development of ideas is generally clear and logical, but could be more consistent; key points are identified - Text has an adequate structure, such as having an introduction and conclusion; paragraphs generally well-developed and linked, although this could be more consistently effective. Generally, but not consistently, expresses (and explains where necessary) complex ideas and information clearly in language appropriate for the intended audience and purpose (using own words as much as possible).
Some spelling mistakes and rare use of contractions, no informal word choice, such as “text” language, spelling, or slang; mainly sound paragraph structure Mark: 10.5 Presents all ideas /arguments/information logically, coherently and persuasively: - Text has a clear focus; no irrelevant or repetitive material - Development of ideas is clear and logical; key points are clearly distinguished from supporting material - The text is well sequenced, easy to follow and engages the reader’s interest - The sequence/ structure supports the central theme and message. - The text spends appropriate amount of words on details - Text is effectively organized and for the most part engages the reader’s interest. Text has a clear, coherent structure, e.g., introduction clearly defines aim/argument; paragraphs are primarily well-developed, clearly linked and support the argument; clear conclusion follows from discussion and reinforces main argument. Expresses (and explains where necessary) complex ideas, arguments, and information clearly and concisely in language appropriate for the intended audience and purpose (using own words as appropriate).