EENG35010/M0024 Satellite Antenna Design
Creation date:2024-05-20 15:10:55
Satellite Antenna Design
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Antennas Unit Coursework
Degree Programme EENG35010/M0024 Date of Submission
1. Task: Satellite Antenna Design
Satellite Channel frequency, GHz Country
Astra 1H 12.051 Spain
Table 1.1: Requirements.
2. Summary of system performance
Antenna noise
('Clear Sky')
Additional noise
due to rain
Receiver noise
Power received at antenna
(including rain attenuation)
(including cable)
Important note.
The reference position used
for Table 2.1 is the antenna-
cable interface, so cable
losses and noise are
included in the ‘Receiver’,
and hence the noise
temperature of the cable
forms part of TR.
Figure 2.1. Components required for Table 2.1.
• You must use the same Units as given in the Table 2.1 as it is used to check your calculations.
The signal to noise ratio, S/N, of your system has to be 9dB as shown at the bottom of the table so
the Antenna Gain must be such as to achieve this. Note all position data must be entered as E.
Parameter Fill in below .. Units Enter this data …
Channel Frequency GHz From Table 1.1
Wavelength, o m From Table 3.3
Bandwidth, B MHz From Table 3.3
Satellite longitude E If W, enter as negative E
Earth station longitude E If W, enter as negative E
Earth station latitude N All these from Table 3.2
Azimuth, Az From Table 3.2
Elevation, El From Table 3.2
Range, d m Note m not km
Total antenna noise temp (Ta+Tr) K From Table 3.4
Receiver noise temp., TR K From Table 4.2
System Noise, N dBW Using noise temperatures above
Path Loss (without rain) dB From Table 3.3
EIRP at earth station position dBW From Table 3.3
Received signal at antenna, Pr dBW Include rain attenuation, Table 3.4
Antenna Gain, Gr dB The parameter you are calculating
S/N 9 dB Required output (FIXED)
Table 2.1: Summary of main parameters used for checking calculations.
RF Amplifier IF Amp
Table 2.2: Summary of amplifiers used.
3. Satellite Information
3.1 Satellite footprint
Figure 3.1: Satellite Footprint
See Satellite Information sheet.
You need to include correct
satellite footprint (note
polarisation) and transponder
for your particular channel.
Indicate on map, the
approximate position of the
Earth Station and indicate EIRP
levels on the contours.
Make sure you include the
Satellite Astra 1H [1]
Polarisation If application?
Transponder May have information
Maximum EIRP
Table 3.1: Satellite transponder information
3.2. Parameters relating to satellite & Earth station position, frequency and EIRP.
Earth Station Location
(Town, Country)
Madrid, SPAIN
Positions Latitude Longitude Comments
Satellite position 0 E
Earth station position 40N -4E If W, enter as negative E
Units Comments
Earth station elevation How to position satellite dish
Earth Station azimuth
Range km Used for Path Loss calculations
Table 3.2: Earth Station.
Units Comments
Satellite EIRP (maximum) dBW From Table 3.1
EIRP at Earth Station dBW From contour graph, Figure 3.1.
Frequency, GHz GHz Central operating frequency
System Bandwidth, B MHz Either 26MHz or 33MHz – check transponder
Wavelength, o m
Path Loss dB
Table 3.3: Satellite transponder information.
Units Comments
Antenna noise temp., Ta 70 K ’Clear Sky’ conditions
Rain attenuation 1.50 dB Given attenuation due to rain
Noise temp. due to rain, Tr K Additional antenna noise temperature
Table 3.4: Antenna noise and signal attenuation due to rain.
Example only
4. Receiver
4.1. Table of component values
• Some parameters have been given – fill in all other blank cells.
• The receiver therefore includes all the gains and noise temperatures between the output from the
antenna to the IF output of the receiver. The receiver noise temperature, Table 4.2, is referred to the
point between the antenna and the cable, Figure 4.1.
Component Gain/dB Gain Noise Figure, dB Noise Temp/ K Comments
Cable -0.50 0.89 Use fixed values
LNA Details in section 4.2
Filter -0.50 Use fixed values
Mixer -6.50 6.5 Use fixed values
IF Amp Details in section 4.3
Table 4.1: Individual component parameters
Receiver Units Comments
Total receiver gain, GR dB
Total noise temperature, TR K
Table 4.2: Total receiver gain and noise temperature
Receiver noise
Noise from
antenna only
Figure 4.1: Reference position used for calculations.
4.2 Low Noise RF Amplifier Stage.
• Note: you are not allowed to use this device!
• Make sure you include reference.
Manufacturer: Agilent
Device: AMMC-5618 [2]
Supply voltage and current 5V and 107mA
Temperature 25C
Gain at operating frequency – Typical (Min, Max) 15dB
Noise figure at operating frequency 4.5dB
Gain Noise Figure
Use manufacturers where data can be cut and
Add suitable annotation to graphs (example
given on gain plot)
Include input match of amplifier (if available)
Make sure input match of amplifier is better
than -10dB over operating range.
Amplifier Input match
Figures 4.2: Data Sheets for the Low Noise RF Amplifier.
4.3 IF Amplifier Stage.
Supply voltage and current
Gain at operating frequency – Typical (Min, Max)
Noise figure at operating frequency
Gain Noise Figure
Amplifier Input match
Figures 4.3: Data Sheets for the IF Amplifier.
4. Discussion
• This section carries a weighting of 20% and is your opportunity to explain the processes you have
used to come up with the system specification for the antenna and amplifiers.
• This is to be kept concise and should be around 1 page, if possible, but not more than 2 pages in
total with suitable diagrams and information suitably referenced.
• In this section discuss the reasons of choice for the RF and IF amplifiers
@ 12.5GHz
• Given the gain requirements of the antenna, show how you would use this to specify the (physical)
dimensions of a suitable antenna. Reflector antennas have been covered in the unit, but you are
not limited to these.
• You may also wish to explain some of the outcomes from the calculations and information in the
tables given above.
5. References
• Make sure you list all references (including amplifier manufacturers and satellite service provider)
using one of the usual formats.
[1] Include here satellite information reference.