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CS280 Quiz1 (30 minutes)
1. [20 marks] Use min-max normalization to normalize the following sequence into range [10, 50]: 0, 3, 4, 5 2. [20 marks]Please calculate the cosine similarity between vectors (1, 1, 1, 1) and (1, 2, 2, 0). 3. [15 marks]Please give the term frequency of term "software" in a document with the following terms and number of occurrences: (software, 20), (hardware, 10), (user, 30). The representation (software, 20) denotes the term "software" appears in the document 20 times. AAA AA A minnewminnewmaxnew minmax minv v _)__(' +- - - = 4. [15 marks]Please give the inverse document frequency of term "software" in a set of 1000 documents where "software" appears in 100 documents. 5. [15 marks]Given a set of 900 patients with 3 types of medical problems: heart diseases, stress, and diabetes. Among the 900 patients, 300 have heart diseases, 300 have stress problems, and 300 have diabetes. Please calculate the entropy of the dataset. 6. [15 marks] Prove that the new sequence after z-normalization has a mean of 0. A A devstand meanv