PHYS4291 Capstone Research
Creation date:2024-05-17 17:30:35
Capstone Research
PHYS4291 Capstone Research
Project Progress Report Rubric
Layout and Format (10 points):
o Title page:
- Title of the project, author(s), affiliation and address
- Abstract (no more than 120 words, 10 points together with Summary)
o Text:
- At most 4 pages of text (excluding tables, figures, references and title page)
- 12 pt Times New Roman fonts, single-line spacing, at least 2.5 cm margin on each side
- Page number at bottom center, text alignment to “Justify”
- Mathematical equations should be single lined, numbered and centered
o Tables and Figures:
- No more than 4 figures and 1 table
- Table and figures include table/figure number and captions. They should be attached to the end of
the report, one figure/table on each separate page.
Text (80 points in total):
(1) Recap of research objectives, plan and methodology (for the first progress report, 15 points)
(2) Recap of previous progress report (for the second progress report, 15 points)
(3) Research activities and results during this report period (50 points)
(4) Areas to be addressed and results expected in the next report period (15 points)
• Summary (10 points together with Abstract):
- Summary of accomplished work
- Remaining work to be completed
• Acknowledgement:
- Assistance in conducting the research and result analysis
• Reference:
- Cited references (in the order of their appearance in the paper)
- [number of reference] title, author(s), journal name, volume, page number and year of publication
- Use qualified reference (websites are not allowed)