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MGTS 7603- Strategic HRM Report
Individual Assignment
Identify the aim of employee learning and the two orientations to learning
Explain the contemporary learning approach
Discuss the link between learning and training
Identify the four fundamental steps of the training systems approach
Distinguish between training and development
Explain the reason for providing employees with development opportunities in organisation
Last seminar: Objectives
• Academic Integrity
• Identification of all the requirements of a successful completion of the major case study analysis.
• Comprehensive understanding of the process needed to complete the major assignment successfully
• Understanding of the tips needed to complete the major assignment successfully
• Begin the process to complete the assignment successfully
This seminar: Learning objectives
CRICOS code 00025B
Acting with the values of honesty, trust, fairness,
respect and responsibility in learning, teaching and
Academic integrity is:
MGTS7608 Business and Society
= =
Week 13
CRICOS code 00025B
High standards of academic integrity protect you, the University and
the community:
• You have the pride and confidence that comes with knowing you have
developed your knowledge and learnt new skills
• You understand how new knowledge is created and how to apply that
knowledge to your studies and future career
• You model the practices of integrity we want for society
• The community has faith in the value of a UQ qualification
• Your employer, your clients and your patients know you are knowledgeable
and skilled.
Benefits of academic integrity
MGTS7608 Business and Society
Week 13
CRICOS code 00025B
Staff know that cheating occurs and will be looking for:
Types of academic misconduct
MGTS7608 Business and Society
Plagiarism Collusion
Falsification Fabrication
Impersonation Contract cheating
Week 13
CRICOS code 00025B
Plagiarism: Copying or paraphrasing someone else's work and presenting it as
your own. This includes using your own work without authorisation in a different
Collusion: Working with others on a task in which individual answers are required.
This is sometimes called unauthorised collaboration, and it may occur
unintentionally or intentionally.
Falsification: Manipulating, changing or omitting research data and presenting the
results, which will not be valid.
Fabrication: Making up research data and presenting them as results.
Impersonation: Pretending to be another person in an assignment, or getting
someone else to do an assessment for you. For example, sitting a test or
examination on behalf of another student.
MGTS7608 Business and Society
Week 13 7
CRICOS code 00025B
Contract cheating: Commissioning someone else to complete an assessment or task for
you, either paid or unpaid.
A student gets someone else to produce academic work on their behalf and then submits it to an
educational institution as if it were theirs.
It could:
• involve payment or favours, or may not
• be friends or family or an unknown
• be purchased on line through a contract cheating site
• be a legitimate learning site such as discussion, tutoring or file sharing site
• Bb a legitimate non-learning site such as an auction/selling site (Gumtree), a labour market (airtasker) or
a file sharing site where you get credits which you can cash in
• Involve getting someone to sit your live or on-line exam for you.
Emphasise Contract cheating
MGTS7608 Business and Society
Week 13 8
CRICOS code 00025B
Risks of contract cheating
MGTS7608 Business and Society
Rowland, Slade, Wong and Whiting (2018).
Week 13
CRICOS code 00025B
Jan 2017 – Jan 2019: >1400 cases of academic misconduct
Penalties include:
• re-submission of an assessment or automatic failure of a
course (lower-end offences)
• suspension or expulsion (more serious or repeated
UQ takes academic misconduct seriously
MGTS7608 Business and Society
Week 13
CRICOS code 00025B
• Direct copying of paragraphs, sentences, a single sentence or significant
parts of a sentence with an end reference but without quotation marks around
the copied text.
• Paraphrasing, summarising or simply rearranging another person's words,
ideas, etcwithout changing the basic structure and/or meaning of the text.
• Offering an idea or interpretation that is not yours without identifying whose
idea or interpretation it is.
• A ‘cut and paste' of statements from multiple sources.
• Presenting as independent, work done in collaboration with others.
• Copying or adapting another student's original work into a submitted
assessment item.
Plagiarism is not ok!
Plagiarism is not ok!
MGTS7608 Business and Society
Week 13 11
• See the intricate connection between theory and practice SHRM processes through a case method.
• The assignment is designed to enable students to explore the relationship between course concepts, models and
theories and the problems and issues confronted by organizations.
• Helps develop analytical and practical skills in the design, implementation and evaluation of SHRM. Cases
provide a context to experience real-world challenges that are enveloped in complicated processes and uncertainties.
The cases provide experiential learning process for the students
• Altogether, cases help the students to learn the value of:
- responding actively and constructively to the SHRM issues in organizations,
- gaining multiple perspectives on situations by using theory, concepts and research findings,
- recognizing that a situation may involve many problems and that different stakeholders will most likely experience divergent views
and problems
- develop an action orientation and a willingness to take some calculated risks when information is not complete,
- appreciate the complexity of translating proposed solutions into comprehensive and detailed plans for action and
- seeking to understand the consequences and limits of managerial actions.
• Apply the course concepts, models and theories to the problems and issues confronted by
a real organisation through the practical analysis of a specific HR policy, function or
strategy within an organisation.
• Apply understanding developed in the course to the practical analysis of a specific SHRM
policy, function or strategy within the context of the overall organisation.
• Assignment assumes that a problem exists within an organisation – This problem requires
identification, solutions, and implementation plan that must be developed; proactive
evaluation and problem solving.
The task is to develop an SHRM report. Your report for the CEO or business unit manager [whichever seems most relevant] of your chosen
The proposed solution to an existing people management practice issue must match a business unit's strategic objectives [such as
innovation, growth, flexibility, cost] with a narrowly scoped SHRM issue.
Choose one unit or department (or organization) to which your narrowly scoped SHRM report must be contained.
As an individual, you will need to decide on a family business organization where there is a SHRM challenge (e.g. recruitment,
learning and development, work design issues). In deciding on what organization to examine as a case study, you may want to first of all
consult the media (e.g. business review, daily newspaper articles) or the Australian Stock Exchange List for medium to large Family Business
organizations for live-cases to get a quick impression of what family business organization may be currently experiencing SHRM challenges.
You may also choose a family business that is in your local area.
You may then follow this up with a web search to know more about the organization and face to face interactions with the organizational
You will interview relevant organizational member(s) about the major SHRM challenge that you have identified in this small family
business to get an in-depth perspective on the problem. You will NEED to review literature before you conduct your interview.
Your Key Tasks
Based on the content of MGTS7603 learning activities, you will determine the major challenges or
problematic issues (e.g. Design of work, strategic planning, performance management, diversity
management, rewarding people, employee development and career management or any other current
issues in SHRM and as evident in your case.
Also determine why is it important to study and resolve the challenge(s). Students MUST use excerpts from
their interview and literature to support their claims. More information have been provided on the process of
analyzing a case during the semester.
Also, outline the evidence-based triggers (e.g. historical, contextual and technological) of the SHRM or
people issues and how this particular family business is currently managing the challenge/problem. In this
case, you may want to conduct some analyses (e.g. SWOT, PESTLE) into the internal and external environments of
the family business. You may also use the Hartel & Fujimoto's (2010) Continuous HRM model (CHRM) to conduct a
situation analysis to clearly identify the contributing factor to the SHRM problem(s).
Your key tasks
Then conduct a comprehensive review of literature on the major issues as evident in your case and especially identify the
major schools of thought around these challenges/issues.
During your literature review, you must isolate a theory/model or set of theories/models (e.g. a model of strategic
management process, workflow analysis model) that best explain the issues and actions/behaviours of the issues in your
You are NOT limited to the theories that will be discussed in the course. If you are in doubt, talk to your course lecturer and
facilitators. Preferably, use one or at most two theories as anchor for your assignment. Please refer to the UQBS Assignment Writing
Guide on the Course blackboard especially for a detailed guidance on how to structure literature review for your report. The librarian
will assist you in locating the relevant databases for your literature review.
Then, you will critically examine the SHRM issue(s) in your case and based on the learning issues in this course, you will
determine whether or not the SHR Manager (or others in similar roles) have managed the SHRM issue(s) successful or
unsuccessfully. To achieve this, you may also draw on the CHRM model to decide on the relevant options and literature review for
more evidence-based approach to resolve the issue(s). Also excerpts from your interview MUST be used to buttress your
discussions and arguments.
Also, you will suggest at least two alternative ways (options) in which the SHRM challenges can be managed better or
Your key tasks
Develop a carefully constructed action plan to implement the proposed recommendations. Give a clear account of
success criteria for each task in the action plan
Where appropriate, you should outline the extent to which the solutions depend on the characteristics of the family business,
nature of its strategic objectives, nature of business, organizational environment -national and international- and or
In your discussion, you must evaluate the options and provide reasons for why you think one option may be a
preferred as an appropriate people management strategy. You must justify why you would choose one of these options
over the other - or why you choose both - as appropriate people management strategies.
A clear and concise articulation of the connection between SHRM theory/models & practice must be made. Make
recommendations that are both justified and logically linked to your analysis and evaluation. For example, in your
report it must be evident that you are logically connecting theory with your identified SHRM challenge/problem and
especially using relevant literature for your connections.
Please note: You must use relevant theory (including a thorough literature review using quality journal articles) and
excerpts from your interview to buttress your arguments throughout the report.
Your Task
• Produce an action plan detailing how proposed actions will bring about change.
• Targets that can be used to measure change against actions taken must be clearly
• These are the main points of writing an action plan.
1. What is the key task that you want to implement?
2. What needs to happen to bring about the change?
3. How will you be able to prove that the change has taken place?
4. By when do you want the change or the action to happen?
5. What will you need to make the change happen?
6. What will it cost and where will the money/funding come from?
7. Who is responsible for making sure that change takes place?
8. Who has overall responsibility for making sure that this happens?
9. What indicators can the organisation employ to evaluate action plan implementation against success factors?
Action Plans - Structured plan to bring change
In a reflective mode, also identify three learning issues that you have taken away as an individual or individual
from the case analysis.
Evaluation: Report rubrics and peer evaluation will be enforced. Please see the course blackboard for rubrics and
peer evaluation form.
Your Key tasks
Take a good look at the course profile. The profile provides the details of what is needed to complete the
Tips: Read the course profile
• Identify the organisation’s or unit’s strategic objectives (e.g. To be market leader,
innovation, growth etc.) relevant to your chosen organisation.
• Provide insights into the broader context of the business unit that is relevant to your
statement of the key argument.
• Review the situation analysis (e.g. derived from SWOT) and academic literature
(journal articles) to explain your chosen people SHRM function/practice issue. Clearly link
this issue to the strategic objectives of the business unit.
• Identify and evaluate two possible SHRM practice options that could be applied to
address a narrowly scoped aspect of this issue for a specific department or section in a
business unit (you don’t need to address the whole organisation!)
Analyse and present evidence, including excerpts from interviews and academic literature and aspects of the
organisational context, to support your recommendation to implement one or both of the options.
Develop an action plan for the implementation that includes a description of the success criteria for each major task
i.e. how do we know success when we have achieved it?
Include in your action plan an approach to evaluating the success of your solution overall.
Draw on a minimum of twelve (12) peer reviewed articles to support your arguments and recommendations. 10 of
them must be from 2015-2022.
Word count: 2,000 (+/- 10%)
If you choose to apply the CHRM framework to this assignment, you will need to present a synthesis
of Steps 1 – 3 in your report. Detailed analyses can be out in your appendix.
Then, fully develop your literature review and draw from your interview to provide a rationale for your two
options and also evaluate them and justify why you choose one option rather than the other (or why both
options need to be implemented in the short term).
Your report also draws on Step 4 of the CHRM framework (Recommendations, Action Plan and Success
You will need to consider how you will approach Step 5 (Implementation) and Step 6 (Evaluation) as you
carry out the design of your Action Plan.
Possible frameworks for analysis
Tips on interview
MGTS 7603: Case Analysis Assignment
Interview Guide
Choose a family business and a strategic human resource management (SHRM) issue (performance, training &
development, rewarding employees, diversity and inclusion etc) as presented in the course profile and course
For example,
Identify the major SHRM issue(s) apparent in your case (i.e. organization). Two issues will be enough.
This SHRM issue may be related to issues around diversity and conflict, succession, distribution of rewards,
performance management etc. Also, determine to what extent the SHRM has been managed effectively
(see more examples in the course profile).
Feel free to choose from the topics that we have not yet covered in the lectures –e.g. international SHRM etc.