MGEB11H3 Quantitative Methods in Economics
Creation date:2024-05-17 15:02:54
Quantitative Methods in Economics
Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: THEend8_
Quantitative Methods in Economics
(This telephone number is not monitored regularly. Email is preferred)
Class Format:
• L01, Friday 12:00–15:00 in IC220 (in-person lecture)
• L02, Online - Asynchronous (with in-person assessments)
• L30, Wednesday 19:00–22:00 in IC220 (in-person lecture)
The in-person lectures on Friday (12:00–15:00) are recorded and posted in Quercus weekly.
The corresponding lecture notes will also be posted in Quercus as PDF files.
This course, including your participation, will be recorded on video and will be available to
students in the course for viewing remotely and after each session. Course videos and materials
belong to your instructor, the University, and/or other source depending on the specific facts of
each situation, and are protected by copyright. In this course, you are permitted to download
session videos and materials for your own academic use, but you should not copy, share, or use
them for any other purpose without the explicit permission of the instructor.
For questions about recording and use of videos in which you appear please contact your
• Excel Labs (in-person)
o Read Appendix E from the Textbook for basic Excel operations.
o There will be about 4 Excel Labs, in-person at the Bridge. The Bridge only fits about
40 students. Therefore we are making arrangements to have the Excel Labs
recorded and posted on-line in Quercus. Details will follow.
o The Excel labs start from basic operations in Excel to statistical procedures in
MGEB11. You are welcome to use the computers in the Bridge or bring your own
computer/iPad to the Bridge for these Excel Labs.
o There is an Excel test in November. The Excel test is worth 10% of the course grade.
o About two or three tutorials before Test 1, each tutorial is 2 hours. The TA will
answer questions from students. Time and room will be updated here.
o About two or three tutorials before Test 2, each tutorial is 2 hours. The TA will
answer questions from students. Time and room will be updated here.
o About two or three tutorials before Final Exam, each tutorial is 2 hours. The TA
will answer questions from students. Time and room will be updated here.
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Textbook/Required Course Materials:
Anderson, Sweeney and Williams: Statistics for Business, 14th edition, Cengage 2020. (Older
editions are acceptable. Email Dr. Yu if you are not sure)
Course Description:
This course will focus on statistical methods applied to business, management and economics. The
course material will range from basic statistical concepts to confidence intervals (Chapters 1 to 8 in
the textbook). The following “week” and “lecture” numbers are approximate times only. Students
are free to attend either the Wednesday or Friday lectures in-person.
Year 2022
Week Lecture Wed Fri Chapter
1 1 Sep 07 or 09 1–3 Descriptive Statistics
2 2 Sep 14 or 16 3 Descriptive Statistics
3 3 Sep 21 or 23 4 Introduction to Probability
4 4 Sep 28 or 30 5 Discrete Probability Distributions
5 5 Oct 05 or 07 5 Discrete Probability Distributions (continued)
Test 1 on Friday 15:00-18:00 Oct 7, 2022 in IC130, IC200, SW309, SW319.
Each student will be assigned to a location by last name.
Oct 08–14 Saturday–Friday, Reading week, no class
6 6 Oct 19 or 21 6 Continuous Probability Distributions
7 7 Oct 26 or 28 6 Continuous Probability Distributions (continued)
8 8 Nov 02 or 04 7 Sampling and Sampling Distribution
9 9 Nov 09 or 11 7 Sampling and Sampling Distribution (continued)
Excel Lab Test online. Exact date to be determined.
10 10 Nov 16 or 18 7 Sampling and Sampling Distribution (continued)
Test 2 on Friday 15:00-18:00 Nov 18, 2022 in IC130, IC200, IC204, IC212, IC220, IC230.
Each student will be assigned to a location by last name.
11 11 Nov 23 or 25 8 Interval Estimation (continued)
12 12 Nov 30, Dec 2 8 Interval Estimation (continued)
Dec 8–20 Final Exam period
Evaluation and Grading:
Suggested exercises from the textbook
Chapter Suggested exercises
2 20, 22, 28, 32, 40, 42, 44, 46, 50
3 2, 6, 16, 24, 26, 28, 37, 38, 39, 40, 56, 58, 64, 68
4 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44
5 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 60, 62
6 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 40, 42, 44, 46
7 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 52, 54
8 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 42
• The answers are posted in Quercus and given in Appendix D for the MindTap Readers.
Component Weight/Value Due Date
Test 1 25% Friday 15:00-18:00 Oct 7, 2022
Test 2 30% Friday 15:00-18:00 Nov 18, 2022
Excel Lab Test 10% Around mid-November
Final Exam 35% To be announced by Registrar’s office
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• The above listings are suggested exercises for practice. The more exercises that you work, the
better that you will learn in this course.
Prerequisite(s): MGEA02H3/(ECMA04H3) and MGEA06H3/(ECMA06H3) and MATA32H3
and MATA33H3] (or equivalents). Students who have completed
MGEA01H3/(ECMA01H3) and MGEA05H3/(ECMA05H3) and
[MATA32H3 and MATA33H3] (or equivalents) may be admitted with the
permission of the Supervisor of Studies.
Exclusion: ANTC35H3, (ECMB11H3), ECO220Y, ECO227Y, PSYB07H3,
Enrolment Limits: 120 per section
Breadth Requirement: Quantitative Reasoning
Policy on remarking a test
If you wish to have your test remarked, you must follow all steps below:
1. Compare your answers to the solutions posted in Quercus. If you strongly believe that there is
something wrong with the marking and you wish to request for a re-mark on some questions,
submit your request within 7 days after the marked test papers are released in Quercus.
2. Email Dr. Yu at [email protected] quoting the question numbers and state the reasons for
remark. A remark may lead to an increase, decrease or no change to your test mark.
Policy on Missed Tests/Final Examination:
1) There is no make-up test if you miss a term test or Excel Lab test.
2) If you miss only one term test,
• You must email Dr. Yu within 7 days after the term test, explaining the reason for missing the test.
Otherwise the missing term test grade is zero.
• The weight of the missing term test is added to the weight of the final exam.
• If you miss both term tests, both test 1 and test 2 grades are zero.
3) If you miss the Excel Lab test, you must email Dr. Yu within 7 days explaining the reason. The weight
of the Excel Lab test is added to the weight of the final exam. Otherwise the missing Excel Lab test grade
is zero.
4) In case there is an upward adjustment to the course marks, only students who have completed both term
tests, the Excel Lab test and the final exam will be adjusted. Students who miss a term test or the Excel
Lab test will not get any upward adjustments in the course marks.
• For example, if there is an upward adjustment of 5 marks to the final exam, only the students who
have completed both term tests and the Excel Lab test will be adjusted. Students who miss a term test
or the Excel Lab test will NOT get this adjustment.
• Another example, suppose a student has a calculated course grade of 69. If this student has
completed both term tests and the Excel Lab test, his/her course grade will be adjusted to 70. If
this student misses a term test or the Excel Lab test, his/her course grade remains at 69.
5) If you miss the final exam, you have to apply for a deferred exam from the Registrar’s office.