ENGG5103 Safety Systems and Risk Analysis
Creation date:2024-05-16 17:38:57
Safety Systems and Risk Analysis
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Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
ENGG5103 Safety Systems and Risk Analysis
EXAM CONDITIONS: This is an OPEN book examination.
1. This exam contains four (4) SECTIONS, attempt all questions.
2. Type your response to the questions and submit as a PDF file. All text must be analysable by Turnitin, do
not embed images of text or handwritten answers.
3. Clearly label the question numbers in your answers.
4. Note that questions are of unequal value and values are listed in the question paper. The total mark of this
exam paper is 100.
5. Write your answers using YOUR OWN words, do not copy material from any sources, including lecture
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Question 1. [25 marks]
Write a thorough risk assessment for a LPG powered forklift, as shown in Figure 1 & 2 below. You
need to consider all stages of the risk assessment process (as covered in lectures and tutorials) and
provide enough information/detail to discuss and explain these stages and how/why they are
used. The forklift is to be used in a warehouse environment in Sydney, with pallet racking up to 7m
high. The forklift is also used to load trucks via a cargo loading dock.
Figure 1 Illustration of forklift in warehouse
Figure 2 Illustration of forklift loading a truck
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Question 2. [40 marks – 5 per sub question]
Provide a short-written answer IN YOUR OWN WORDS explaining the following concepts listed
below, as related/applied to the management of safety systems and risk analysis processes. Use
examples to aid your explanations.
2a. Root cause analysis in the context of incident investigations
2b. Standard operating procedures
2c. Audits
2d. Failure modes and effects analysis
2e. Near misses
2f. Workplace inspections
2g. A “just” safety culture
2h. Safety Management System action plans
Question 3. [25 marks]
3a. [10 marks]
Describe and explain all aspects of the plan-do-check-act cycle in safety systems
management, as referred to in ISO45001.
3b. [15 marks]
List what you consider to be the three (3) most important aspects/parts of a safety
management plan. Describe and discuss each aspect/part you listed and explain/justify
why you believe it is one of the three most important aspects using examples.
Question 4. [10 marks]
This question is based on the following hypothetical scenario:
You are a newly appointed safety manager in a medium sized warehouse/distribution centre
based in Sydney, Australia. You have been working with the company for a few days when you
get a phone call about an incident that has just occurred in the warehouse. You arrive on the
scene a few minutes later and observe that a worker is trapped underneath an overturned
forklift, next to a ramp in the loading dock. They are conscious, in significant pain and there is
blood visible. Over the next few minutes, the worker is freed, and first aid officers treat the
worker. An ambulance arrives 15 minutes later and takes the worker to hospital with serious
(but not life threatening) injuries.
4a. [5 marks] List (in chronological order) and explain the actions that you would take
immediately and over the next few days to perform an investigation into the incident.
4b. [5 marks] Outline and explain what information and evidence you would need to
gather as part of the investigation and why you would need it.