COMP1012 Programming Fundamentals and Applications
Creation date:2024-05-16 15:52:38
Programming Fundamentals and Applications
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COMP1012 Programming Fundamentals and Applications
Course project is an independent group work that students should team up by 2-3 members and
work out the problem independently. You are required to form the team and submit the information
of all members including name, student ID, and email address via an online form before 23:59 on
3rd November 2022. If any student fails to join any team, he/she will be randomly assigned to a
team. Within a group, all the members should participate in the project development and be
responsible for some tasks (design, implementation, testing, etc.).
1. What to Do
As an important part of an intelligent transportation system, driving behavior analysis helps us to
identify dangerous driving scenarios to avoid traffic accidents. The project is to analyze driver
We provide a dataset, which records drivers’ driving behavior over 10 consecutive days. You are
required to design and implement Python program to analyze the data and complete following
a) Dataset overview. You are required to statistics the dataset and let the audience know the basic
information about the dataset such as how many records and how many drivers the dataset contains.
b) Driver behavior statistics. You are required to conduct statistical analytics on the driving
behavior. The information includes but not limited to the datetime, the car plate number, the
cumulative number of times of overspeed and fatigue driving, the total time of overspeed and
neutral slide. The statics results should be well organized and automatically saved in a file (e.g.,
txt, json, csv) with formatted output.
c) Driving speed analytics. You are required to use a diagram to plot the driving speed of each
driver during the given period, and then discover and compare the characteristics and patterns of
driving speed for each driver.
d) Fatigue driving analytics. You are required to first analyze the correlation between fatigue
driving and any other features that can be extracted from the given data, and then share your
insights of in what conditions fatigue driving is prone to happen. Justify your insights with data
analytical results.
2. What to Submit
Each group is required to submit a compressed file (.zip) containing the following items:
Source code in a folder
Analytics results in a folder
A report in PDF format, which should at least have:
Cover page with title and the information of each team member
The design of the analytics program
Overview of the dataset
The analytics goal or hypothesis in each task and the corresponding analytics results.
Summary of findings and conclusions
Tasks performed by each member
3. Grading Criteria
Zero tolerance for late submission, cheating, and plagiarism.
Program implementation (70%)
Driver behavior statistics
Driving speed analytics
Fatigue driving analytics
Running of the program: no run-time error
Clean and concise code style
Documentation: the PDF report (30%)