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PHYS 2012 PHYSICS 2B SEMESTER 2, 2014 TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS ALL QUESTIONS HAVE THE VALUE SHOWN INSTRUCTIONS: This paper consists of 2 sections. Section A Electromagnetic Properties of Matter 60 marks Section B Quantum Physics 60 marks Candidates should attempt all questions. USE A SEPARATE ANSWER BOOK FOR EACH SECTION. In answering the questions in this paper, it is particularly important to give rea- sons for your answer. Only partial marks will be awarded for correct answers with inadequate reasons. No written material of any kind may be taken into the examination room. Non- programmable calculators are permitted. CC0933 SEMESTER 2, 2014 Page 2 of 9 Table of constants Avogadro’s number NA = 6.022× 1023 mol−1 speed of light c = 2.998× 108 m.s−1 electronic charge e = 1.602× 10−19 C electron rest mass me = 9.110× 10−31 kg electron rest energy E = 511 keV electron volt 1 eV = 1.602× 10−19 J proton rest mass mp = 1.673× 10−27 kg neutron rest mass mn = 1.675× 10−27 kg Planck’s constant h = 6.626× 10−34 J.s Planck’s constant (reduced) ~ = 1.055× 10−34 J.s Boltzmann’s constant kB = 1.380× 10−23 J.K−1 Stefan’s constant σ = 5.670× 10−8 W.m−2.K−4 Coulomb constant (4pi0) −1 = 8.988× 109 N.m2.C−2 permittivity of free space 0 = 8.854× 10−12 C2.N−1.m−2 permeability of free space µ0 = 4pi × 10−7 kg.m.C−2 gravitational constant G = 6.673× 10−11 N.m2.kg−2 atomic mass constant u = 1.660× 10−27 kg gas constant R = 8.314 J.mol−1.K CC0933 SEMESTER 2, 2014 Page 3 of 9 SECTION A: ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATTER = r0 µ = µrµ0 c = 1√ 0µ0 v = c n n = √ rµr F = 1 4pi q1q2 r2 r̂ E = 1 4pi q r2 r̂ V = 1 4pi q r E = −∇V Vb − Va = − ∫ b a E · dl ∮ E · dl = 0 FE = qE∮ E · dA = qenclosed 0 = qf − qb 0 = qf r0∮ D · dA = qf D = E = σf ∮ D · dA = ∫ ρfdV σb = P · n̂ ρb = −∇ ·P E = 1 0 (D−P) P = χe0E r = 1 + χe C = Q V C = qf V C = A d Cseries = 1 C−11 + C2 −1 + · · · Cparallel = C1 + C2 + · · · U = 1 2 Q2 C = 1 2 CV 2 = 1 2 QV W = 1 2
∫ E2dV u = 1 2 E2 p = qd τ = p× E U = −p · E P = np Jb = −∂P ∂t p = αE α = 4pi0a 3 α = 30 n r − 1 r + 2 P = np [ coth(pE/kT )− 1 pE/kT ] CC0933 SEMESTER 2, 2014 Page 4 of 9 F = qv ×B dF = idl×B dB = µ0 4pi idl× r r3 Fc = mν2 r ΦB = ∫ B · dA ∮ B · dA = 0 emf = ∮ E · dl = −dΦB dt∮ B · dl = µ0itotal ∮ H · dl = ifree pm = NiAn̂ τ = pm ×B U = −pm ·B M = χmH B = µ0(H+M) B = µH = µrµ0H µr = 1 + χm W = V ∫ HdB i = dq dt i = nqνdriftA i = ∫ J · dA R = V I R = ρ L A σ = 1 ρ J = σE ρ = m e2nτ CC0933 SEMESTER 2, 2014 Page 5 of 9 Please use a separate book for this section. Answer ALL QUESTIONS in this section. 1. A chargeQ > 0 is placed at the centre of a water-filled sphere with radius a (the dielectric constant of water is εr = 81). (a) Draw a diagram of the system, showing the polarization density vectors and indi- cating the induced polarization charges with + and − signs. (b) Find the electric field both inside and outside the sphere. (c) Find the polarization densityP inside the sphere, and useP to determine the polar- ization surface charge density and the total polarization charge Qpol on the sphere. (d) Show that Q/εr = Q−Qpol, and explain the physical significance of this relation- ship. (15 marks) 2. A long solenoid with lengthL and radius a has n turns per unit length and carries a current I . Assume that there is a uniform magnetic field inside the solenoid parallel to its axis, given by B0 = µ0nI . (a) A cylindrical iron bar of length L and radius a/2 is fully inserted into the solenoid so that its axis coincides with that of the solenoid. Draw a diagram for a cross section of the solenoid, showing the direction of the magnetization density and the direction of currents in the solenoid and the iron bar. Find the total magnetic field everywhere in the solenoid, and sketch it as a function of the radial distance from the axis in units of B0 (use µr = 1000 for the iron bar). (b) Repeat the question in (a) for the case where the iron bar is replaced with an iden- tical platinum bar (µr = 1.0003). (c) Next consider the case where the iron bar in (a) is replaced with a cylindrical shell made of iron, which has length L, outer radius a, and inner radius a/2 (i.e., it has a hole of radius a/2 in the centre). Repeat the question in (a) for this configuration. (15 marks) CC0933 SEMESTER 2, 2014 Page 6 of 9 3. Give brief physical answers to the following questions. (a) Why does filling a capacitor with a dielectric material which has a large εr increase its capacity for charge storage and hence storage of potential energy? (b) State whether the expression σ = Nq2τ/m for the conductivity of a material over- estimates or underestimates the conductivity of (i) electrons in metals and (ii) ions in electrolytes, and then explain why. Here N , q, τ and m are the number density, charge, mean collison time, and mass of the charge carriers, respectively. (c) Discuss the temperature dependence of magnetization in paramagnetic, diamag- netic and ferromagnetic materials and give a physical explanation for each be- haviour. (15 marks) 4. We consider a slab of doped silicon of thickness d = 10µm, with current I along the slab, immersed in a uniform mangetic fieldB parallel to the slab and perpendicular to the direction of the current (see figure below). Figure 1: Geometry for Question 4(a-c). (a) Using a schematic of the slab showing the various forces and charge accumulations that are relevant, explain the Hall effect and its origin. (b) For I = 0.1A, and B = 0.12T, the voltage is measured to be VB − VA = +500mV. Are the predominant charge carriers positive or negative? Calculate the density of carriers N . (c) Maintaining the same current, would the voltage increase or decrease if the temper- ature is increased by 20◦C? Justify your answer. (d) A Hall sensor as as depicted in the figure, with N = 1.5 × 1022m−3 is used as an electronic compass in a mobile phone. The Earth’s magnetic field in Sydney is 55µT. Assuming the smallest voltage change that can be reliably detected is ∆V = 100µV, determine the smallest error ∆θ with which the magnetic north can be determined with this sensor, for I = 0.1A. How could this be improved? (15 marks) CC0933 SEMESTER 2, 2014 Page 7 of 9 SECTION B: QUANTUM PHYSICS There is no formula sheet for the Quantum Physics Section Please use a separate book for this section. Answer ALL QUESTIONS in this section. 5. Explain briefly (less than 50 words each) what is meant by each of the following. (a) The Stern-Gerlach experiment. (b) The Hamiltonian operator. (c) A quantum dot. (12 marks) 6. Consider a standard Stern-Gerlach experiment, with a beam of spin-1/2 particles prepared in the state |ψ〉 = |+〉 − 2eipi/3|−〉 . (a) Normalise this state vector. (b) What are the possible results of a measurement of the spin component Sz, and with what probabilities do they occur? (c) What is the expectation value 〈Sz〉 for this state? (d) What is the uncertainty ∆Sz for this state? (e) What are the possible results of a measurement of the spin component Sy, and with what probabilities do they occur? Hint: the eigenstates for Sy, expressed in terms of the eigenstates of Sz, are: |+〉y = 1√ 2 (|+〉+ i|−〉) , |−〉y = 1√ 2 (|+〉 − i|−〉) , (f) Suppose that the Sy measurement was performed, with the result Sy = −~/2. Subsequent to that result, a second measurement is performed to measure the spin component Sz. What are the possible results of that measurement, and with what probabilities do they occur?