FINS3616 International Business Finance
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International Business Finance
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FINS3616 International Business Finance
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4. This exam paper has 39 pages and consists of 30 multiple choice questions
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5. Time allowed: 100 mins (There is no reading time)
6. Total marks available: 60 marks (worth 25% of the overall course grade)
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F (t, d/f) = S(t, d/f)× 1 + id
1 + if
E(rA) = rf + β [E(rm)− rf ] (2)
annualized rate = de− annualized rate× 360
× 100 (3)
E [S(t+ k, d/f)] = S(t, d/f)× 1 + id
1 + if
fmr(t+ k) =
S(t+ k)− F (t)
exr(t+ k) =
S(t+ k)
[1 + if ]− [1 + id] (6)
P (t) =
wiP (t, i) (7)
PI(t+ k) =
P (t+ k)
P (t)
1 + pi(t+ 1) =
P (t+ 1)
P (t)
S(t, d/f) =
P (t, d)
P (t, f)
1 + s(d/f) =
1 + pid
1 + pif
RS(t, d/f) =
S(t, d/f)× P (t, f)
P (t, d)
1 + rep =
1 + i
1 + pi
FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 1
You just moved from the United Kingdom to Switzerland to go to school at the
University of Zurich for 7 months (210 days). Upon opening a bank account,
you realise that interest rates here are much higher than they are in the United
Kingdom. Lucky for you, you don’t need to incur any debt while you are in
Switzerland. However, you will need to invest some money.
You have two options: you can either invest in the United Kingdom where annu-
alised 7 month rates are currently 3.5% or you can convert your British pounds
into Swiss francs (with a current spot rate of GBP1.2829/CHF and invest in an
annualised 7 month rate of 7.4%.
Given this information, what is the annualised forward premium or discount that
the Swiss franc should trade at against the British pound in the 210-day forward
market as implied by interest rate parity?
a. 3.82% premium
b. 3.82% discount
c. 3.74% discount
d. 3.77% premium
e. 3.63% discount
Question 2
You live in Australia and want to try to make some money through interest rate
arbitrage abroad. You notice the following rates quoted online:
Bid Ask
Spot exchange rate AUD 1.1858/USD AUD 1.1899/USD
270-day Forward exchange rate AUD 1.2584/USD AUD 1.2632/USD
270-day USD interest rate 6.70% p.a. 6.92% p.a.
270-day AUD interest rate 8.82% p.a. 9.30% p.a.
What will your profit (in AUD) be 270 days from now if you borrow AUD7 million
and invest in the United States then convert back to the Australian dollar?
a. AUD 271,117
b. AUD 306,495
c. AUD 286,725
d. AUD 357,533
e. AUD 324,139
Exam code: 8008135 1
FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 3
Suppose the current spot exchange rate between the U.S dollar (USD) and the
Canadian dollar (CAD) is USD0.7346/CAD. You estimate the beta of buying
Canadian dollar forward with U.S dollar and subsequently selling Canadian dollar
for U.S dollar in the spot market to be 0.8. You also estimate the expected rate of
return on the market portfolio in excess of the risk-free interest rate to be 9.0%.
What is the expected spot rate in one year given a one year forward rate of
a. USD0.7875/CAD
b. USD0.7385/CAD
c. USD0.7312/CAD
d. USD0.7840/CAD
e. USD0.7350/CAD
Question 4
What does the ’carry trade’ term mean?
a. Borrow in the domestic currency to earn only the higher yield of the dollar
implied by the regression.
b. None of these explanations define the term ’carry trade’.
c. Borrow in the foreign currency to earn both the higher yield and the expected
capital appreciation of the dollar implied by the regression.
d. Borrow in the domestic currency to earn both the higher yield and the
expected capital appreciation of the dollar implied by the regression.
e. Borrow in the foreign currency to earn only the expected capital appreciation
of the dollar implied by the regression.
Exam code: 8008135 2
FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 5
Suppose the current one-year interest rate in Brazil is 10.00% while a similar
one-year rate in Bolivia is 3.00%. You estimate the beta of making an unhedged
investment of Brazilian Real in the Bolivian Boliviano money market to be 1.75.
What is the beta of purchasing Bolivianos one-year forward with Real and selling
Boliviano in the spot market in one-year?
a. 1.70
b. 1.80
c. 1.61
d. 1.93
e. 1.59
Question 6
Assume that CHF14,053 is the current price level in Switzerland, while CAD15,698
is the current price level in Canada for an equivalent bundle of goods.
Given a spot exchange rate of CHF1.0494/CAD, what is the internal and external
purchasing power of CHF0.60 million? Is the Swiss franc overvalued or underval-
ued relative to the Canadian dollar?
a. 38.22 consumption bundles; 40.69 consumption bundles; undervalued
b. 40.69 consumption bundles; 38.22 consumption bundles; overvalued
c. 42.70 consumption bundles; 36.42 consumption bundles; undervalued
d. 38.22 consumption bundles; 40.69 consumption bundles; overvalued
e. 42.70 consumption bundles; 36.42 consumption bundles; overvalued
Exam code: 8008135 3
FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 7
You are considering two job offers, one in France and one in Switzerland. The
position in France pays EUR184,000 per year. The price level for a basket of
goods in France is EUR22,074 and CHF18,223 for an equivalent basket of goods
in Switzerland. The current spot rate is EUR1.1445/CHF. Assume that you are
otherwise indifferent between these two locations.
How much would the job in Switzerland need to pay you to make you equally well
off as the job in France?
a. CHF151,900
b. CHF160,769
c. CHF210,588
d. CHF149,226
e. CHF222,884
Question 8
The American Consumer Price Index (CPI) is currently 159.3 and the French CPI
is currently 164.1. Economists expect that in one year the American CPI will be
169.4 and the French CPI will be 177.7. The current spot exchange rate between
the two countries is EUR0.8158/USD.
If relative purchasing power parity holds, what is the expected spot exchange rate
in one year?
a. EUR0.8307/USD
b. EUR0.7777/USD
c. EUR0.8011/USD
d. EUR0.8816/USD
e. EUR0.7919/USD
Exam code: 8008135 4
FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 9
If ________ holds, then the real exchange rate is equal to 1.
a. uncovered interest rate parity
b. covered interest rate parity
c. the Fisher Effect
d. relative purchasing power parity
e. absolute purchasing power parity
Question 10
A local restaurant serves German (or at least as close to it as you can get in
Sydney) food prepared from local ingredients. They do, however, import several
brands of beer (bier) directly from Germany. Currently the average price they pay
for the beer is EUR34.82 per case. Last year the restaurant purchased 1,495 cases.
The restaurant had revenues (net of other costs) of AUD104,800 and they expect
that revenue to increase with the local rate of inflation, 4.1%, over the next year.
The price of German beer is expected to increase at the rate of German inflation,
1.7%. The current exchange rate is AUD1.2691/EUR and remained unchanged
from last year.
If the Euro experiences a real appreciation of 9.9% relative to the Australian dollar
this year, and if the restaurant purchases the same amount of beer as last year,
by how much will real profits change?
a. -12.22%
b. -17.17%
c. -13.48%
d. -16.88%
e. -12.56%
Exam code: 8008135 5
FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 11
Assume that the Euro (EUR) futures price for September is $1.80. Given that
125,000 units are in a Euro futures contract, the seller of Euro futures will receive
______________ on the delivery date.
a. $125,000.0
b. $225,000.0
c. $69,444.4
d. $117,444.4
e. $405,000.0
Question 12
Which one of the statements below is TRUE regarding the features of currency
forward and currency futures contracts?
I. Forward contracts are over-the-counter contracts that can be customized
based on the hedger’s need.
II. Counter-party risk is limited in futures contract because of the margin re-
quirement and marking-to-market practice.
III. In futures markets, losses and profits are recognized on a daily basis.
IV. A company can negotiate the delivery date on a futures contract to make
the currency be delivered on the date it desires.
a. I, II, and III
b. I, II, and IV
c. I, III, and IV
d. II, III, and IV
e. I, II, III, and IV
Exam code: 8008135 6
FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 13
An Canadian company has purchased currency put options to hedge a 200,000
Australian dollar (AUD) receivable. The premium is CAD0.0154 and the exercise
price of the option is CAD0.7750. Assume that the spot rate at the time of
maturity is CAD0.8204.
Ignoring the time value of money, what is the net amount received by the company
if it acts rationally?
a. CAD161,000
b. CAD167,160
c. CAD164,080
d. CAD155,000
e. CAD151,920
Question 14
Which of the following is false regarding options?
I. The writer of a call option has the obligation to purchase the underlying
currency from the option purchaser if the option is exercised.
II. The purchaser of a call option has the right to purchase the underlying
currency at the strike price
III. The purchaser of a put option has the right to sell the underlying currency
at the strike price.
IV. The writer of a put option has the obligation to purchase the underlying
currency from the option purchaser if the option is exercised
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. None of the above. All statements are correct.
Exam code: 8008135 7
FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 15
A put option is available for Swiss franc with an exercise price of AUD0.7268 and
a premium of AUD0.0220. Assume that there are no brokerage fees.
The future spot rate at which the _____________ of the option breaks even
is AUD_______ .
a. buyer; AUD0.7488
b. buyer; AUD0.7048
c. seller; AUD0.7048
d. Both a and c are correct.
e. Both b and c are correct.
Question 16
Consider the following fixed-for-fixed currency swap in Euros and British pounds.
The notional principals are GBP67,914,000 and EUR63,000,000, and the GBP
rate is 5.50% while the EUR rate is 3.75%. Payments are made semiannually, and
the current exchange rate is GBP1.0780/EUR. What are the interest payments
each period?
a. EUR1,732,500; GBP1,273,388
b. EUR1,273,388; GBP3,465,000
c. EUR1,181,250; GBP1,181,250
d. EUR1,867,635; GBP1,181,250
e. EUR1,181,250; GBP1,867,635
Exam code: 8008135 8
FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 17
Consider the following fixed borrowing rates available to Brady Corp and to Grey
Corp in both the U.S. dollar (USD) and the Euro (EUR):
USD rate EUR rate
Brady Corp 10.00% p.a. 16.90% p.a.
Grey Corp 7.50% p.a. 11.30% p.a.
One firm has an absolute advantage in borrowing in both currencies. Assume
that each firm borrows at its comparative advantage and then enters into a swap
with a financial intermediary. Under the swap, the financial intermediary makes
the payments to the firms that each need to cover the loans borrowed at their
comparative advantages. In exchange, the financial intermediary requires payment
at 16.40% p.a. in the Euro from the firm that has a comparative advantage in
borrowing the U.S. dollar, while also requiring payment at 6.60% p.a. in the U.S.
dollar from the other firm.
What is the net benefit to the intermediary from such a swap?
a. 1.55% p.a.
b. 3.10% p.a.
c. 9.80% p.a.
d. 1.70% p.a.
e. This swap would be a net loss to the financial intermediary.
Question 18
Consider currency swaps. Which statement below is NOT TRUE?
a. Both counterparties can benefit from a swap even if one counterparty has
the comparative advantage in all types of borrowing.
b. The differences in how credit risk is priced gives rise to comparative advan-
tage in borrowing through swaps.
c. When an intermediary is involved in a swap, the intermediary assumes the
counterparty risk for both ends of the transaction.
d. All currency swaps have an NPV of zero when the contract is signed.
e. None of the above. All of the statements are correct.
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FINS3616 2019 T1 Midterm 2 Review Exam code: 8008135
Question 19
Which of the following is NOT TRUE with respect to MNCs management of
transaction exposure?
a. An MNCmay decide not to hedge if its inflow currencies are highly correlated
with its outflow currencies.
b. Generally, decisions on whether to hedge, how much to hedge, and how to
hedge will vary with the MNC management’s degree of risk aversion.
c. MNCs generally perceive their foreign exchange management as a profit