MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
Creation date:2024-05-15 15:48:01
Introduction to Management
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MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
Week 13
Course Review
Exam Requirements and Expectations
An Acknowledgment of Country is an opportunity to
show respect for Australia’s traditional custodians, and
the continuing connection that Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples have to the land, sea, sky, and
Although we are not all together on campus, it is still
important to acknowledge the Turrbal and Jagera
people as traditional owners and custodians of the
lands on which the UQ St Lucia Campus is situated.
As this course is designed and delivered from the St
Lucia campus, I pay respects to their Ancestors and
their descendants, who continue cultural and spiritual
connections to Country. UQ recognises their valuable
contributions to Australian and global society, and
acknowledge that this land has always been a space
for teaching, learning, research and collaboration tens
of thousands of years before it was established as a
UQ campus, and continues today.
This artwork, ‘A Guidance Through Time’ by Quandamooka artists
Casey Coolwell and Kyra Mancktelow, uses graphic elements to
symbolise the five UQ values
Acknowledgment of Country and UQ values
Exam Requirements and Expectations
• Q&A
Course Review
• Kahoot
• Q&A
Today’s seminar
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Date: 11/11/2022 at 4pm
Weight: 35%
Reading: 10 minutes
Duration: 60 minutes
Submission time: 15 minutes
Task Description:
The exam will be comprised of 30 multiple choice questions
(50%) and 3 written short response question (50%).
Exams submitted late, without prior approval or exemption
granted, will have penalties applied as per section 5.3.
If you are unable to sit your exam, you must apply for a deferred
exam (see section 5.4).
Criteria & Marking:
Multiple-choice scores will be calculated based on the number of
multiple-choice questions answered correctly.
Short answer scores will be based on the accuracy of the
response, ample and proper citation of course readings, and the
quality of reasoning and writing. – IN-TEXT REFERENCES NOT
MGTS1301 Final Exam
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
• External and Internal
• Strategic Management
• Organising
• Planning and Controlling
• Leading
• Ethics and Social Inclusion
• Sustainability
Contents cover in
the exam
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
Exam information
Course code and title
Introduction to Management
Semester Semester 2, 2022
Exam type Online, non-invigilated, final examination
Exam technology Combination with Turnitin
Exam date and time
Refer to your personal exam timetable for the scheduled date and time of this exam. Your
examination will begin at the time specified in your personal examination timetable. If commence
your examination after this time, the end for your examination does not change. The examination is
schedule for 4pm with an end time of 5:10pm, even if you commence at 4:30pm your end time is still
The total time for your examination from the scheduled starting time will be:
1 hours 10 minutes including 10 minutes planning time..
A 15-minute submission period is available for submitting your examination. If your examination is
submitted after this period late penalties will be applied unless you can demonstrate that there were
problems with the system and/or process that were beyond your control.
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
Exam window
You must commence your exam at the time listed in your personalised timetable.
You have from the start date/time to the end date/time listed in which you must
complete your exam.
Permitted materials This is an open book exam – all course materials are permitted.
Ensure the following materials are available during the exam:
Calculator; bilingual dictionary; phone/camera/scanner
For PART A, answer all of the multiple choice questions in the Blackboard Test. For PART
B, download the question paper included within the Blackboard Test. Once you have
completed the exam, upload the completed exam answers file to the Turnitin assignment.
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
Important exam
Academic integrity is a core value of the UQ community and as such the highest standards of
academic integrity apply to all examinations, whether undertaken in-person or online.
This means:
• You are permitted to refer to the allowed resources for this exam, but you cannot cut-and-paste
material other than your own work as answers.
• You are not permitted to consult any other person – whether directly, online, or through any
other means – about any aspect of this examination during the period that it is available.
• If it is found that you have given or sought outside assistance with this examination, then that
will be deemed to be cheating.
Late Submission
• If you submit your online exam after the end of your specified planning time, duration, and
15 minutes submission time, the following penalties will be applied to the total mark available
for the assessment:
• Less than 5 minutes – 5% penalty
• From 5 minutes to less than 15 minutes – 20% penalty
• More than 15 minutes – 100% penalty
• These penalties will be applied to all online exams unless there is sufficient evidence
of problems with the system and/or process that were beyond your control.
• Undertaking this online exam deems your commitment to UQ’s academic integrity pledge
as summarised in the following declaration:
• “I certify that I have completed this examination in an honest, fair and trustworthy manner,
that my submitted answers are entirely my own work, and that I have neither given nor
received any unauthorised assistance on this examination”.
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
Who to contact
Given the nature of this examination, responding to student queries and/or
relaying corrections to exam content during the exam may not be feasible.
At the end of the exam there will be a free text box field. Please use this to specify
any assumptions you have made in completing the exam and which
questions those assumptions relate to. You may also include queries you may have made
with respect to a particular question, should you have been able to ‘raise your hand’
in an examination room.
If you experience any interruptions to your examination, please collect evidence of
the interruption (e.g. photographs, screenshots or emails).
If you experience any issues during the examination, contact the Library AskUs service
for advice as soon as practicable:
Phone: +61 7 3506 2615
Email: [email protected]
You should also ask for an email documenting the advice provided so you can provide
this to the course coordinator immediately at: [email protected]
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
Course Review and examples of Exam Questions of Part A
Let’s review the MGTS1301 content using Kahoot
Please go to or download the app Kahoot
Example of a response from a previous Student:
A utilitarianism approach considers the result that create the biggest benefit for the greatest amount of people, and reduce the harm made to others.
There are two types of utilitarianism, act and rule utilitarianism. Act utilitarianism, determines the action to be taken by maximum benefit, while rule
utilitarianism is guided by principles to evaluate situations and observed to in the future.
Egoism and altruism both regard the benefits of the outcome when making a decision. However, different approaches are used, with egoism
maximising the benefit for oneself and altruism the greatest benefit for others.
As these approaches determine their actions by the outcome of a decision, how the outcome is achieved is not taken into consideration. Therefore,
the actions or intent someone has is not considered even if they are unethical. Further, these approaches require measuring the benefits and harm to
those affected by the outcome. To do this, it needs to be determined whose interests are measured, and how they are evaluated quantifiably.
The advantages to using this approach to ethics in a business context as it analytically looks at the effects of the decisions. It requires the business to
not only consider the economic impact but additionally the intangible effects on society. If outcomes are found not to create a benefit, businesses do
not carry out the action being considered.
When determining the outcomes, the external environment is expected to be considered. Analysing the impacts on more stakeholders externally will
require the business to consider further than the internal environment. This is a benefit if the plan will benefit the company but be detrimental to
Exam – Part B: Some examples of Questions
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
Ethics by Outcome is perhaps the most attractive to the business community because it uses an analytical approach that parallels the
cost benefit analysis used in most business decision-making. Please discuss what is this type of approach to ethics, its implications and
advantages and disadvantages in the business context and the external context.
“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. It is the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.”
Please discuss the relationship of Innovation and entrepreneurship process providing examples to illustrate your arguments.
MGTS1301 Introduction to Management
Exam – Part B: Some examples of Questions
Example of a response from a previous Student:
Entrepreneurship related to creating new opportunities or organisations based on dynamic, risk-taking, and creative behaviours.
Entrepreneurs are change agents in society.
Innovation is the implementation of creative ideas. Innovation can surround a product or a process. When innovating, the new idea can be
radical and new to the world with substantial solutions to consumer problems or incremental and modify an existing idea. A radical
innovation was the iPhone at the time it was invented, being the first of its type. Whilst the updated releases and versions of the iPhone is
an incremental innovation improving on the existing product.
The relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation is the implementation of the innovation. The idea needs to be implemented into
the market and commercialised for innovation to occur. Entrepreneurship is the business aspect of using the innovation to as an
opportunity in the market to implement the idea. The entrepreneur may be willing to put the innovation idea to market and the
appropriate behaviours to ensure the opportunity is taken up. They are the change agents, who know how to find a solution to create
benefits. The change agent and innovator may be the same person who knows how to overcome the challenges and create solutions.
An example of an innovator is Lego due the consist creation of new products being brought to the market. The creation of Lego blocks from
plant-based plastic, and a production line to minimise waste, are recent innovations of the company. By innovating the production process
to reduce waste, resources are better utilised. Financial wealth and improved resources are created by using plant-based plastic.
SECaT MGTS1301 S2 2022
Some examples from last semester:
“ I like the lecturer best. Sandra is pretty good. In her seminar, I can
be more focused to participate in. The Kahoot part can arouse
students’ enthusiasm and curiosity. During tutorials, we can have
more time to discuss with the group members. Then we can complete
each case study with a goal. That’s quite good!”
“Playing kahoot is engaging, however more real-life examples should
be included in the online module or seminars. Final exam percentage
should be lower. Practice exams should be given to students for