FINM 7406 - International financial management
Creation date:2024-05-14 16:12:32
International financial management
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Exam information
Course code and name FINM 7406 - International financial management
Exam type Take home, online, non-invigilated
Exam date and time
The assessment will be available from
12pm (noon) AEST (Brisbane time) on 8 Nov 2022 (Tuesday).
The assessment is due at
12pm (noon) AEST (Brisbane time) on 11 Nov 2022 (Friday).
Please note: you will not be able to access the assessment task after this
Exam window
You have a 72-hour window in which you must complete your exam. You
can access and submit your exam at any time within the 72-hour
window. Even though you have the entire 72 hours to complete and submit
your exam, the expectation is that it will take most students between 10 and
24 hours.
Weighting This assessment is weighted at 50% of your total mark for this course.
Permitted materials This is an open-book exam – all materials permitted.
There are 6 main questions to this take-home exam. Answer all questions
in the Blackboard test tool.
In terms of word count, please use a maximum of 50 words per mark as a
guide. For example, 2 marks = 100 words.
You can upload your workings (Photo, Excel, Word, etc) to Blackboard.
Please begin your exam as soon as possible within the available window.
Please note: Take-home Exam extensions differ from normal assessment
extensions and will be granted initially only for up to 48 hours.
Who to contact
Important exam
condition information
The normal academic integrity rules apply to this assessment task.
• You cannot cut-and-paste material other than your own work as answers.
• You are not permitted to consult any other person – whether directly,
online, or through any other means – about any aspect of this
assessment during the period that this assessment is available.
If it is found that you have given or sought outside assistance with this
assessment then that will be deemed to be cheating and will result in
disciplinary action.
By undertaking this online assessment you will be deemed to have
acknowledged UQ’s academic integrity pledge to have made the following
“I certify that my submitted answers are entirely my own work and that I have
neither given nor received any unauthorised assistance on this assessment
If you submit your online end-of-semester exam after the specified exam
duration, including any additional time, the following penalties will be applied
to your final examination score for late submission:
Up to 15 minutes late: 20% penalty
From 15 minutes to less than 30 minutes late: 50% penalty
More than 30 minutes late: 100% penalty
These penalties will be applied to all online end-of-semester exams unless
there is sufficient evidence the late submission is beyond your control.
Detailed Instructions:
• There are 6 main questions total of 50 marks to this take-home exam.
• Answer all 6 questions in the Blackboard test tool.
• Please make sure you have your full name and student number on every page of your take-
home exam (i.e., insert a Header).
• Please name your files as follows:
FINM7406_TakeHomeExam_Question #: Last Name_FirstName_StudentID
• Your document should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12. The take-home exam should
be double-spaced and have margins of 2.54 cm.
• Teaching staff will not answer any questions regarding the take-home exam as this gives students
an unfair advantage over others.
• Late submissions will lose marks as per the ECP.
• Please start each question on a separate document/file (PDF, Spreadsheet, Word, and Photo),
and upload the correct file to the corresponding question.
• Please don't round use an approximate value (by rounding your answers) while you are in the
middle of the calculation. Please keep all decimal points in your calculator while working out
your final answer. You can present the final answer with a rounding answer based on the
instructions in each question. If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round
the number up. For example, if the question asks you to keep four decimal places, please type in
0.0947 (or 0.0957) in the box if your answer is 0.09473 (or 0.09568), respectively.