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Assessment Task 2
Below is the structure of the quiz, with the aim for you to be able to plan your time and navigate to the different sections as you prefer.
Manage your time in the exam; do questions in the order that best suits you and make a note of anything you wish to come back to at the end. You are able to move back and forth in the exam or jump to specific questions using the navigation bar.
As a rough guide you are looking at about 1 minute per mark with 5 minutes for planning/review, that is 30 marks allocated for 35 minute quiz. So, for a 3-mark question, approximately 3 minutes would be a guide. Some questions you might be able to do quicker. Others may take longer but if you are taking a lot longer on the question than the marks allocated, it might be time to move onto the next question and come back at the end if you have time.
Quiz Page Questions Marks allocated to the page 1 1 & 2 3 (2 Multiple choice x 1.5 marks each) 2 3 12 (multiple parts) 3 4 & 5 8 4 6 & 7 7
If you click on the question number in the quiz navigation you will be taken to the appropriate page or you can navigate using the ‘previous page’ and ‘next page’ options. You can practice this in the practice quiz available under the assessment task 1 section.