HLTH 7001: Introduction to Digital Health
Creation date:2024-05-13 16:48:12
Introduction to Digital Health
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Centre for Online Health
Course code HLTH7001
HLTH 7001: Introduction to Digital Health
Assessment Task 3: Information graphic
Due date: 7th October 2022 (5pm AEST)
Weighting: 25%
The objective of this assessment task is to consolidate your learning by researching and then
summarising a specific digital health application of your choice in an infographic style or poster-style
presentation. You are expected to complete this assessment offline and then submit it on Blackboard.
Please research a digital innovation that has been successfully integrated into clinical practice in
your area of professional or personal interest. This does not have to be from within Australia – you can
choose an innovation from anywhere in the world. You may choose digital health applications that you
have already researched and discussed in the course discussion forums.
Note: Do not use robotic surgery or a general digital technology that is not directly related to current
clinical practice in alignment with the overarching course objectives. Check first with your course co-
ordinator if you need confirmation that your chosen innovation is appropriate. Be guided by the learning
criteria – if you can’t adequately meet the marking criteria with your chosen application then choose an
Presentation of thoughts and ideas and facts must be logical, clear and succinct. Your presentation will
be assessed based on the level of information provided, its quality and delivery. Your work must provide
evidence to show that it is well researched; you must demonstrate your critical thinking and analytical
ability. The arguments you make must be based on evidence.
• You must use no less than 5 references.
• The maximum number of references that can be cited is 7.
• References must be relevant, peer-reviewed and current. You may also use relevant policy,
strategy and clinical guideline documents where appropriate.
• The layout must be logical and easy to navigate and formatted in an infographic style or poster-
style format.
Centre for Online Health
• Final format must be either a jpeg image file or a PDF file that may be printed on one A4 page.
Your final presentation must be uploaded on Blackboard. You are recommended to use
imagery, flow charts, tables and data whenever appropriate. (Please avoid lengthy text.
consider this work as a research-based poster).
• You may design this assessment using any software programme that you choose but the final format
to be uploaded to Blackboard must be a jpeg image file or a PDF file. Any other formats will not be
• The assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:
Criteria (Total of 25 marks)
Health/healthcare issue
Choice of relevant health or healthcare issue (1)
Brief and clear description of the issue (main features/
magnitude/stakeholders etc.) (3)
Critique of alternative solutions (current and potential solutions)
Digital health application
Choice of relevant digital health application/association with healthcare need
Description of the innovation (origin/main features/data exchange & clinical
communication capability) (4)
Description of workflow in a clinical setting/current level of integration into
clinical practice (3)
Evidence/statistics to support clinical utility and effectiveness (2)
Main limitations and barriers to wider use (2)
Brief statement about the future directions (1)
Overall academic rigor of the study (critical thinking, analytical ability,
quality & currency of references) (2)
Structure and logical order of presentation (1.5)
Clarity of presentation (space/title/referencing) (2)
Appropriate use of images, text, colour etc (1.5)