SPG8030 Exploring the entrepreneurial mind-set
Creation date:2024-05-11 16:32:42
Exploring the entrepreneurial mind-set
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Essay Title: In which ways could you have impact on the/a breakthrough that you have
identified, which you feel has potential in the renewable energy field?
Use the material presented during the SPG8030 module (plus wider reading and reflection) and
a focus on the learning outcomes below to prepare your essay.
1) Developing students’ knowledge, understanding and practical experience of innovation and
entrepreneurship within the context of their discipline (e.g. Renewable Energy)
2) Exploring the entrepreneurial mind-set and identifying practical examples from individual and
group experience
3) Enabling students to consider innovation and intrapreneurship within the wider economic,
political and social context to address global challenges
4) Establishing a framework of practice to ensure that assumptions are challenged before
moving forward with a new endeavour
You should include examples from your own personal experience to outline your skills and
competencies that position you to have impact on your RE breakthrough.