IDSC10 Rural livelihoods and globalisation
Creation date:2024-05-11 15:24:35
Rural livelihoods and globalisation
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IDSC10 Rural livelihoods and globalisation
Short essay instructions
Due dates Fridays, 17:00, between 24 June and 29 July; depending on the topic you
have chosen (see below for details); in case of public holiday on Friday,
essays are due Thursday.
Submission Digital, through Quercus (pdf and docx accepted); submit each essay as a
single file (including bibliography)
Length 600-800 words (each), not including bibliography
Weight 20% of final course grade (each)
Format Legible font and size (preferably Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11), double-
spaced, letter (8.5”x11”), 1” margins; include title and page numbers.
Citation APA 7 (for details, see here); consider using a bibliographic management
software (e.g. Zotero, Mendeley) if you do not do so already.
Grading Numerical mark out of 20
Late penalty 1 point (out of 20) per working day, no late submissions accepted after 5
working days
▪ Compare and contrast research about livelihood dynamics in a specific rural industry.
▪ Engage with course readings and at least one peer-reviewed article from outside the
1. Pick two topics you wish to write about from the list of topics we will be covering in class
from 20 June 2022 to 18 July 2022 (i.e. weeks 7 through 11).
2. Pick one country that you will write about for both essays as well as the final assessment
(the literature review). Think well about the country you will choose because you will be
stuck with it for the whole term!
3. Write one essay for each topic you have chosen (for a total of two essays). The due date
will depend on the topic you have chosen (see below).
4. In each essay:
a. summarise one peer-reviewed academic article about the topic in the country you
have chosen.
b. compare and contrast the article with the course readings assigned for that topic.
c. include an introduction, conclusion, and bibliography.
5. Submit as a single file.
Each essay must be submitted at the end of the week (i.e. Friday 17:00) in which it is covered in
class. See table below for exact due dates.
Topic Class meeting Essay due date
Farming 20 June, 11:00-13:00 24 June, 17:00
Plantations 27 June, 11:00-13:00 30 June, 17:00
Manufacturing 4 July, 11:00-13:00 8 July, 17:00
Mining 11 July, 11:00-13:00 15 July, 17:00
Tourism 18 July, 11:00-13:00 22 July, 17:00
Climate mitigation 25 July, 11:00-13:00 29 July, 17:00
You will be assigned a holistic grade based on the UofT Arts & Science Statement on What
Grades Mean, available here. We will be paying specific attention to:
▪ The presence of a clear thesis statement
▪ Effective summary of the chosen article. An effective summary includes:
o Context
o Main conclusions
o All other relevant information (what is and isn’t relevant will depend on the main
argument you are making and on your basis of comparison with course readings)
▪ The quality of the comparative analysis. A good comparative analysis will:
o Address both similarities and differences between the article you read and what
we read together in class,
o Make some sort of observation (a claim, a conclusion) based on these similarities
and differences
o This claim should, ideally, speak to either the political economy of rural
development, institutions, or collective action. A discussion of methodology is also
▪ Textual coherence (i.e. paragraph structure and logical flow between paragraphs)
▪ Appropriate citation and bibliographic formatting
▪ Respect for length and formatting requirements