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ELEC3114: Control Systems
ELEC3114: Assignment A
Preliminary Notes
Please read the following information very carefully.
• This assignment is worth 15% of your total course mark.
• From the time of its release, you have 1 week to complete the assignment (please see Moodle for the
exact due date as it may have already been extended beyond 1 week).
• You are required to provide complete workings and derivations analytically.
o You are required to provide MATLAB code and/or Simulink schematics in addition to your analytical
solution for any question that comes with a sign (M/S).
• MATLAB can be used to plot the time domain responses or to find the roots of a 3rd-order polynomial (or
higher order ones). Unless you are specifically asked to analytically calculate the time-domain function of
the responses. You can use Control System Toolbox functions to generate time-domain responses.
• Use the best sample solutions from last year for best practices in completing this assignment (your
submission must be legible, i.e. clear enough to read).
• You must submit all of your solutions before the due date on Moodle.
• This assignment is marked out of 100 plus some bonus marks, which will be scaled down to 13 for your
course mark.
How to Submit
• Convert your hand-written analytical solutions and workings (paper-based or digital) for each question
into separate PDF files, plus any added pictures of the graphs, MATLAB codes, and Simulink blocks
into a single PDF file. Having separate files for your solutions and notes will attract 10% penalty mark.
• You must provide the original MATLAB codes/script and Simulink files in addition to having copies of
the in the solution of each question
• Name the .pdf, .m, and .slx files using your zID and surname as below.
o Surname_z1234567_q1.pdf, Surname_z1234567_q2.pdf, Surname_z1234567_q3.pdf
o Surname_z1234567_matlab.m (for MATLAB scripts all in one file)
o Surname_z1234567_Simulink_qxx.slx
Use qxx to refer to the question number, e.g., Surname_z1234567_Simulink _q12.m for Q1.2 if you
wish to do Q1.2 in Simulink.
• Upload your files in the submission box under Assignments section in Moodle.
NOTE: Not following the file naming convention will attract 10% penalty mark.
Late Submission Policy
UNSW has a standard late submission penalty of 5% per day for all assessments where a penalty applies.
This is capped at five days (120 hours) from the assessment deadline, after which a student cannot submit
an assessment, and no permitted variation. For late submission you do not need to ask for special
consideration. Extension due to special circumstances with legitimate reason/s has be to submitted through
Special Consideration.
Final Advice:
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE AND/OR COLLUDE. This includes paying someone to solve the questions for you or
you ask a friend to hand over their solutions to you and you try to write them in a different way. Sharing high-
level ideas is ok though in a collaborative way. But the biggest losers are those who hand over their solutions
to other students to help them get easy marks without any effort. I want you to learn something from this
course and not waste your money, and you have to be honest with yourself about it. It is more honourable to
not get a full mark rather than getting caught cheating. The amount of distress and trauma that you can bring
upon yourself if UNSW Academic Integrity unit contacts you regarding cheating is just too much to bear (I
have seen it firsthand how students are traumatised by this, whether wrongfully or rightfully accused of
cheating). So just don’t do it, that’s all I ask!!
ELEC3114: Assignment A
Page 2 of 5
The Impulse response of a 2nd-order system with unknown paramaters is given in Fig. 1.
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
t1 = 0.27 s
M1 = 1.31
t2 = 1.77 s
M2 = 0.082
Fig. 1. Impulse response of a 2nd-order system.
Q1.1. [20] If the transfer function of the unknown system is given as below, determine the paramaters , ,
and parametrically in terms of the first two peak values 1 and 2, and 1 and 2. Then use the
numerical values to find the transfer function () and verify your solution by providing the MATLAB
plot of the impulse response with those measurements (up to 2% numerical precision error is
acceptable) (M/S).
() =
2 + 2 + 2
Q1.2. [10] Find an expression for the output response () if the following input signal is applied to your
identified () as shown in Fig. 2. (Hint: Use the properties of the Laplace transform and the fact that
() is an LTI system.)
5 10
Time (s)
Fig. 2. Input signal applied to the identified transfer function ().
Q1.3. [5] (Bonus) Simulate the response of () for the input signal in Q1.2 and compare it with the plot of
the time-domain function, (), of the output response from Q1.2 (M/S).
ELEC3114: Control Systems Lab Manual