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Tutorial 11 – Review
The Plan for Today
– Exam Preview/Revision Queries
– Feedback surveys
About the exam…
• Runs for 2 hours and will be through Canvas, like the mid-semester exam
• Part 1 (15%): MCQ questions – 15 questions; each worth 1 mark
• Part 2 (35%): Extended response – Case study or essay questions
• 3 questions – 2 worth 10 marks and one worth 15 marks
• Covers all material from the course
• Focus your studies on lecture content and related textbook chapters
• Focus on understanding and applying course concepts
• Some questions will be problem-based, asking you to choose the
appropriate management concepts to apply to a specific situation
Mastering Management Exam Question/s
– You will need to identify a key message/learning from one or more of the Mastering
Management presentations, and apply a relevant course concept to the key
message/learning. In the final exam, you may get one or more extended response
question/s asking you to do this.
– Sample presentation: Presenter X spoke about the need to be able to report to
multiple managers, as a part of a matrix reporting structure, in large global
– Class discussion question: Which part/s of the course are relevant here, and could
be applied to Presenter X’s key message?
Preparing a Case Study response - tips
– Answer the question
– Structure your response
– Draw on course concepts to make your arguments, including research evidence
where relevant
– Manage your word count
Important tips on Using References
– You need to use in-text citations in your writing, to:
– Support an argument or claim you are making
– (Less common) provide a contrasting view to a claim you or someone else has
– In your exam answer, use in-text citations, but you DO NOT need to include a
complete reference list. Examples:
– “As Smith and Gao (2018) argue, norming is the most critical component of
team development.”
– “Culture operates at multiple levels within an organisation, but is often very
difficult to diagnose (Pearson et al., 2010).”
– READ AND USE the Business School’s Referencing Guidelines, for in-text citations.
Sample Question 1
SpecialService is a growing Australian small business that helps people out of work
find a job. It has a CEO and three regional Executives, who take care of the
operations of it’s three main regional areas: Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. In
each of its of its regional offices, it has separate sales and operations teams. It has
national HR, finance and marketing teams based in Sydney, that is responsible for
HR, finance and marketing issues across the company. Staff in sales and operations
report to their reginal Executive. HR, finance and marketing staff report to HR,
finance and marketing directors, who in-turn, report to the CEO. Which two
organisational structures does SpecialService best represent? Outline your reasons
for your response.
Sample Question 2
“Scientific management has major limitations compared to the bureaucratic
approach to management.” Discuss whether you agree with this statement. In your
answer, compare and contrast both approaches to management, discuss the
limitations of each, and come to a conclusion on this statement.