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THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS AND OVERVIEW OF MAJOR THEMES 1. Neo-institutional theory - interdependence of institutions and organisations and the role of formal and informal institutions 2. Central - local government interaction and local government - enterprise interaction 3. Strategic tripod of a) resource/firm-based view (BMC), b) industry/market based view and c) institutional perspective 4. Globalisation of Chinese enterprises: retrospective and agenda (Buckley 2018)
CLASS TOPICS CONTENT CONCEPTS and TOOLS Theme 1 Chinese enterprises: External institutional environment Enterprise management Market and enterprises, what motivates enterprises, what motivates governments Using the strategy tripod to differentiate between enterprise, market and institutions, use of BMC and PESTLE analysis Business Networks What is the economic rationale for business networks? How do they reconfigure assets and combine exploitation and explorations of assets? Informality of networks, interaction with shareholders and stakeholders, formal and informal aspects, governance of networks Local embeddedness of enterprises How are local firm linked to other firms, markets and governments? What partners do they need to rely on? How do these substitute legal structures? Firm based view, market based view and institutional view; Porter’s Five Forces analysis and institutional PESTLE analysis Government- enterprise interaction How do enterprises depend on their local government? How is this different for SOEs and private enterprises? Path dependence, stakeholder analysis, market analysis, local government competition, two-way incentives Theme 1 Chinese enterprises in their domestic institutional environment Theme 2 Chinese enterprises: Internal institutional environment Corporate Governance (CG) Different external and Internal CG in China and West, government enforcement of CG, protection of shareholders, related party dealings Principal - agent and principal- principal conflict. External and internal CG, role of governments Innovation What factors have made China’s enterprises innovative? How does ownership stimulate technological innovation? What is the role of markets and governments? Institutional analysis: what support and incentives for innovation apply to different types of firms, market analysis – what role do markets play? How is innovation funded? Digitalisation and e-commerce Drivers and role of digitalisation; digitalisation and competitiveness, China’s e-commerce Technological change, organisational change; digital ecosystem Human Resources Management (HRM) Chinese HRM traditions and innovations; differences and contradictions between Chinese and Western HRM traditions. Institutional analysis for state-based HRM, career planning, incentives, remuneration, staff retention. Theme 3 Chinese enterprises: Global institutional environment FDI in China Different and changing motivations for foreign enterprises to invest in China, institutional and market barriers, integration of China in Global Value Chains (GVC) Value chain analysis, internationalisation theories, Upsala model Chinese ODI in overseas markets Different motivations for outbound investment, institutional and market barriers, compensating for lack of competitive advantages Different ODI theories and explanations, OLI, Springboard theory, traditional and non- traditional entry strategies Globalisation and deglobalisation Aspects of and reasons for deglobalisation; different meanings of deglobalisation Global value chains, outsourcing, onshoring, separating commercial and political factors Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Western and Chinese CSR traditions, evolution of CSR from philanthropy to shared values, the role of the state in CSR Social Licence to Operate in domestic and international markets, state-based CSR and corporate CSR, CSR and sustainability Special topics Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Commercial role of BRI China’s globalisation and reglobalisation Corporate Governance (CG) Links between formal/informal and internal/external CG in China Internal and external CG Rule of Law and institutional security Private ordering as substitute for formal law Different approaches to Rule of Law Interjurisdictional competition Coexistence of local government competition and market competition Central local government relation and local autonomy Dual leadership Formal and informal coordination of bureaucracies Institutional explanation of government flexibility and informality Technology transfer History of technology transfer, commercial technology transfer, legal reforms against forced technology transfer Historical and legal background, commercial solutions FDI in China Role of pilot projects, reciprocity between FDI and ODI Legal regulation in different countries.