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This Paper Contains: 14 pages (including title page and pages for rough work at the end) Time allowed: 2:00 hours (including reading time)
There are 9 questions in total. All questions have equal marks. Answer all questions.
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Total marks = 90.
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Q1. Arithmetic and Boolean
A rectangle on a plane is represented by two points, p1 (upper left corner) and p2 (lower right corner) such that the rectangle sides are parallel to the xy-axes. Each point is represented by two coordinates x and y e.g. p1 = [x1, y1], p2 = [x2, y2], click = [x3, y3]. X- axis increases to the right and x -axis increases downwards. Define the following functions
(a) def insideClick(p1, p2, click): 3 marks # returns True if the point click is inside the rectangle defined by p1 and p2. # Otherwise returns False. # e.g. insideClick([0,0], [10,10], [5,5]) = True
(b) def squareArea(p1, p2): 3 marks # returns the area of the largest square that fits inside the rectangle defined by p1, p2 # e.g. area([0,0], [10,20]) = 100
(c) def smallRectangle(p1, p2): 4 marks # returns a rectangle (p3, p4) which is centred inside the input rectangle (p1,p2) # and has half the side lengths # e.g. smallRectangle([0,0], [40,20]) = ([10,5], [30,15])
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Q2. Boolean and testing: Define the following functions
(a) def inside(p1, p2, p3, r): 4 marks # returns True if the circle centred at point p3 = [x, y] is fully inside the rectangle p1, p2. # See Q1 for definition of rectangle e.g. inside([50,50],[200,100],[150,70],10) = True
(b) def numTrues(B, n): 4 marks # takes a list of Booleans B and returns True if and only if there are exactly # ‘n’ number of Trues in B e.g. numTrues([True, False, True], 2) = True.
(c) def two(b1, b2, b3, b4): 2 marks # Takes four Booleans and returns True if and only if there are exactly two Trues # e.g. two(True, False, True, False) = True.
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Q 3. String processing: Define the following functions
(a) def uniqueWords(sent): 6 marks # takes a string “sent” and returns a list of unique words in the list followed by their # number of occurrences e.g. count(“if and only if and if”) = [‘if’, 3, ‘and’, 2, ‘only’, 1]
(b) def changeSent(sent): 4 marks # removes the leading empty spaces of string “sent”, the last character and every # occurance of the last character. Returns the resulting string # e.g. changeSent(‘ hello there, do you see’) = ‘hllo thr, do you s’
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Q 4. List iteration: Define the following functions.
(a) def swap(xlist): 3 marks # takes a list of tuples and swaps the elements of each one # e.g. swap([ (1,’a’), ( 2, ‘b’), (3, ‘c’) ]) = [ (‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 2), (‘c’, 3) ]
(b) def makeOdd(ylist): 3 marks # takes a list of integers and removes all even numbers from it # e.g. makeOdd([1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10]) = [4, 6, 10]
(c) def primes(N): 4 marks # returns a list of the first N prime numbers e.g. primes(5) = [2,3,5,7,11]
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Q 5. List comprehension: Use list comprehension to generate
(a) a list of all odd numbers up to and including N that are 3 marks not divisible by 5 i.e. [1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, ….]
(b) a list that contains all possible pairs (a, b) of two lists A and B 4 marks where (a, b) are the elements of A and B respectively
(c) a list of integers up to and including N that are multiples of x and y 3 marks
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Q 6. Dictionaries and decision structures
(a) def wordFrequency(fileName): 6 marks # takes a string specifying a full path to a file, reads the file and returns a dictionary # that contains every word of the file and its frequency. Ensure that words with # upper or lower case and those ending with a full stop and comma are treated the # same. Assume that there will be a space after every full stop and comma.
(b) def maxWord(wfrqD): 4 marks # takes a wfrqD dictionary generated by “wordFrequency” in (a) and returns a # highest frequency word and its frequency. If there are draws, return any.
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Q 7. Recursion 10 marks
Define a recursive function fastExpo(a, n) that performs fast exponentiation i.e. fastExpo(a, n) = a^n where “n” is an integer. Write comments in your code to highlight the important components of a recursive function. Comments carry 3 out of the total 10 marks for this question.
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Q 8. Backtracking
(a) Describe the basic principles of the backtracking method of problem solving. 5 marks
(b) One example of a problem that can be efficiently solved by backtracking is the n queens problem. Give another example of a problem that can be efficiently solved with this technique and detail a solution to the problem. 5 marks
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Q 9. Abstraction and Generalization
(a) Describe the basic concept and principles of the problem solving techniques “abstraction and generalization”. 5 marks
(b) Describe the basic concept and principles of the problem solving technique “reduction and analogy”. 5 marks