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ENGN6528 Computer Vision
Question Booklet
Instructions on next page
Allotted Time
You will have xx hours to complete the exam plus 15 minutes of reading time. An additional 15 minutes has also been allowed to accommodate the additional task of uploading your completed exam to the final exam turnitin submission portal on the ENGN6528 Wattle site. Thus, you have xx hours to complete the exam. NO late exams will be accepted. You may begin the exam as soon as you download it. Minimal requirements:
You may attempt all questions
You SHOULD NOT include an assignment cover sheet
You must type your ANU student identification number at the top of the first page of your submission
You must monitor your own time (i.e. there is no invigilator to tell you how many minutes are left).
Your answers must be clear enough that another person can read, understand and mark your answer. 11 or 12 point font with 1.5 spacing is preferred. Scanned images of handwritten equations or diagrams must be legible and of a suitable size.
Numbering questions ● You must specify the question you are answering by typing the relevant question number at the top the page ● Each question should begin on a new page ● Multi-part questions (e.g. question 1 parts a and b) may be addressed on the same page but should be clearly labelled (e.g. 1a, 1b ) ● Questions should be answered in order
You must upload your completed answers in a single document file within the allotted time using a compatible file type for Turnitin (Preference: MS Word’s .doc or .docx format) It is the student’s responsibility to check that the file has uploaded correctly within Turnitin. No late exams will be accepted. Academic integrity
Students are reminded of the declaration that they agree to when submitting this exam paper via Turnitin: I declare that this work: ● upholds the principles of academic integrity as defined in the University Academic Misconduct Rules; ● is original, except where collaboration (for example group work) has been authorised in writing by the course convener in the course outline and/or Wattle site;
● is produced for the purposes of this assessment task and has not been submitted for assessment in any other context, except where authorised in writing by the course convener; ● gives appropriate acknowledgement of the ideas, scholarship and intellectual property of others insofar as these have been used; ● in no part involves copying, cheating, collusion, fabrication, plagiarism or recycling.
There are 5 questions in total. (Q1-Q5)
Please name your submission as ENGN6528_exam_u1234567.docx
Questions on the next page
Q1: (21 marks) [3D SFM and Image formation question]
Answer the following questions concisely. Write down working, and if you are unsure about some part along the way, state your best assumption and use it for the remaining parts. Similarly, if you think some aspect is ambiguous, state your assumption and write the answer as clearly as you can.
(a) Given two calibrated cameras, C1 and C2, C1 has focal length of 500 in x and 375 in y, (in pixel unit) the camera has resolution 512x512, and the camera centre projected to image is at (249, 249), with no skew. Suppose C2 has the same image resolution and focal length as C1, but the camera centre projected to image is at (251, 252). Write down the calibration matrix K1 and K2 for C1 and C2 respectively. (Hint: please only write down the final two 3x3 matrices.) [3 marks]
(b) Suppose that a 3D world coordinate system ((X,Y,Z) coordinates as in the below diagram from the lecture notes) is defined as aligned with the camera coordinate system of C1. More specifically, the world origin is at the camera centre of C1, the Z axis is aligned with the optical(principal) axis and the X and Y world coordinate systems aligned parallel with the x and y axes of the image of C1. Write down the matrices K[R|t] which define the projection of a point in world coordinate system to the image of C1. (Hint: please only write down the final 3x4 matrix.) [3 marks]
(c) Suppose that the scene has a point, P1, that in the world coordinate system defined above that lies at (39, 35, 100). Note that the points in world coordinate system are measured in cm. What location (to the nearest pixel) will that world point (P1) map to in the image of C1? [2 marks]