Comp 3120/8110 Software Development Management
Creation date:2024-05-10 14:42:10
Software Development Management
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Comp 3120/8110
Software Development Management
180 minutes combined reading and writing time
Allowed to bring:
A4 page with notes on both sides
Unannoated paper based dictionary
Extra paper and pens/pencils for preparing your USM
It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to confirm date and time via the official
examination timetable and to identify the Wattle quiz and USM submission links
in Wattle (which will be prominently displayed).
3Final exam preparation
- Exam structure
- Sample questions & approach to marking
The exam will be delivered via Wattle in a manner similar to the midterm quiz.
Wattle offers online approaches for all the types of questions that we will ask in the
midterm quiz.
We will not be using invigilation software.
I do however reserve the right to randomly or otherwise request meetings with
students to (with verbal questioning) confirm the understanding shown in the exam.
4Final Exam Preparation
• We MUST be able to read your writing (in this case – typing)
• Your English expression should be:
• Coherent, fluent and appropriate for academic purpose, as well as
grammatically correct
• Appropriately and logically structured
• Your answers should be concise
• Build a defensible argument
• Stick to the facts - long, rambling answers are more likely to lose marks
than to gain them
Important to remember!
5Course assessment
Will be offered to students achieving 45%-49% for overall course mark and
passing both hurdles (i.e. >= 45% for exam; >= 45% for assignments)
In special circumstances, may also be offered to students who failed one hurdle,
e.g. evidence that group work assessment has caused poor individual mark
You must be available to sit supplementary exam (which is likely to be an oral
exam) in 1st week of Semester 2 2021. No exceptions.
Supplementary exam
6To get more than a pass you MUST demonstrate higher order thinking skills
– you need to be able to analyse, evaluate, create new ideas, and
communicate those ideas in writing
The exam will challenge you!
Analyse: Separate the whole into its component parts
Evaluate: Develop opinions, judgements or decisions
Create/Synthesise: Combine ideas to form a new whole
Important: We want your words demonstrating your understanding.
Quotes from course materials will only receive average marks.
Final Exam Preparation
7Some questions will be different.
We will hold Comp8110 students
to a higher standard
The difference between
Comp3120 and Comp8110 exams
Final Exam Preparation
8• Project Management General Knowledge ~50 marks
• Consisting of several short answer, multiple choice and
true/false/explain questions worth between 1 and ~5 marks
• Answer ALL questions
Exam structure
Final Exam Preparation
• Case study – ~50 marks
• Largely based on workshop activities
• Essay questions, may also include some multiple choice,
and includes drawing and submitting a USM for ~20 marks
• Answer ALL questions
9Quiz Preparation
• Several questions intended to show your broad
understanding of the course
• Questions are self-explanatory
• Answer ALL questions – even the smallest response
may get you ½-1 mark! Don’t waste it. Seriously.
Project Management Knowledge
Quiz Preparation
• You should use the size allowed for the answer space and the number of
marks attached to the question as a guide to the depth of the answer expected.
• Very approximately, one short sentence or phrase for each 0.5 mark is
• There will not be enough time to be getting all your answers out of your
• Be careful of overuse of your notes. Irrelevant statements taken from your
notes to pad answers will detract from your good answers.
Overall timing and marking
• Some marks are auto-marked by Wattle, but all written answer questions
will be marked by your tutors and I together.
Quiz Preparation
Q1(a) [2 marks] Not all software development is a
project. Identify and describe two key
characteristics of a project which distinguish it from
”business as usual”.
Project Management Knowledge