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Principles of Management EXAM DURATION: 2 HOURS 40 MINS (2-hour exam + 10 minutes reading time + 30 minutes technical time)
EXAM DATE: Thursday 9th June, 2022 EXAM WINDOW: ‘Tight’ exam window from 6:30pm to 9:10pm – Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) EXAM STRUCTURE: Open Book
INSTRUCTIONS ON EXAM DURATION • Breakdown of Total Exam Duration: 2-hour exam + 10 minutes reading time + 30 minutes technical time (to account for time in downloading, uploading, and submitting your exam).
• This exam is designed to be completed and uploaded in the 2 hours 40 mins exam window.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ON EXAM RESPONSES AND EXAM SUBMISSION • Students must type their exam responses into a single Word document. Please use ‘standard’ formatting settings: 12-point font, Times New Roman, single or 1.5 spacing, standard margins. Please follow any other instructions provided by your Unit Convenor.
• Students must strictly adhere to the word limits set for each exam question. Exam markers will only read up to the word limit for each question and mark accordingly. • Students must submit their exam response document by the due time of the scheduled exam window. Please remember: to minimise potential technical issues with uploading to Turnitin, ideally aim to submit your exam response document before the due time. At the end of the exam window the Turnitin submission link will disappear, meaning there is no further opportunity for exam submission. • Late exam submissions will not be marked and will be treated as not submitted. If students are unable to submit their exam responses by the due time, or experience significant issues hindering exam completion, they must submit a Special Consideration application to sit a supplementary exam. Page 2 of 3 ENSURING ACADEMIC INTEGRITY • This is an open book exam. That means students can consult, for example, the unit’s textbook, related readings, and dictionaries, to support exam completion.
• However, it is expected that the exam responses that students submit are their own work. That is, in line with the exam questions, aim to demonstrate your understanding of the unit content in your own words. Please remember your submission will generate a Turnitin originality report that will be viewed by your marker. • Macquarie University takes the upholding of academic integrity seriously. In taking and submitting this exam, students are agreeing to the following statement: "By taking this exam I affirm that I am the student whose MQ ID has been used to log into iLearn and that I am submitting my own, independent work. I confirm that I am aware of the penalties for academic dishonesty which may include failure in the unit or potentially even expulsion from the University." Please ensure you follow any other guidance for the exam that your Unit Convenor has provided. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MGMT1002 EXAM ACCESSING THE EXAM QUESTIONS AND READING MATERIALS 1) Access the “Exam Period Assessment” section on iLearn. 2) At the Exam window start time refresh your iLearn page so that all links will display. 3) Click on the link for the “Exam Questions” to download the exam question paper.
EXAM ANSWER BOOKLET AND EXAM SUBMISSION 4) Create a single Word document and save the document to your computer using a file name including your name and student number. This will be your Answer Booklet. 5) Complete the examination within the exam window and, again, ensuring that you adhere to the word limits given for each question. 6) Submit your Word answer booklet to the “Turnitin Submission Link” in the Exam Period Assessment section before the end of the exam window.
UNABLE TO SUBMIT EXAM TO THE TURNITIN LINK If unable to submit to Turnitin. submit the answer booklet to the “Alternate Submission Link If Unable to Submit to Turnitin Above”.
Page 3 of 3 Contact During Your Exam: Exam Support Hotline
Please call - 1800 MQ EXAM (1800 67 39 26) or International +61 2 9850 2700.
Possible Error in an Your Exam?
If you believe there is an error in your exam, please complete the question to the best of your ability, take note of the exam question and the potential error.
Reported errors will be evaluated after the exam as part of the marking process. Confirmed errors will be handled in a manner that will not disadvantage students and this will be communicated via iLearn.