ECMM108 Advanced Structural Engineering
Creation date:2024-05-09 17:22:35
Advanced Structural Engineering
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Advanced Structural Engineering
Duration: TWO HOURS + 30 minutes upload time
Answer THREE out of FOUR questions
This is an OPEN BOOK examination.
Question 1 (20 marks)
Consider the structural model given in Figure Q1. It shows a structure comprising two
identical links of length L joined together at a pin connection. The joint is supported
both by a horizontal translational spring with linear stiffness k and a rotational spring of
stiffness C. The model is acted upon by a conservative vertical force of magnitude P .
Displacement is measured by the angle, θ, that the bottom link makes with the vertical.
The structure is perfectly vertical when the springs are unstressed.
Figure Q1: Rigid link model.
(a) For the case when
C =
determine the equilibrium paths and sketch them. Demonstrate that the critical point
is unstable. (14 marks)
(b) If the rotational spring can be replaced, determine the value of C for which the
critical point will switch from being unstable to stable. (6 marks)
Question 2 (20 marks)
Figure Q2 depicts a simply-supported beam with uniform bending stiffness EI and
length L, modelled as a single-degree-of-freedom structure with its mass, m, concen-
trated at its centre. It is further supported by a linear vertical translational spring of
stiffness k as shown. The damping ratio of the structure is ξ = 0.1.
P (t)
Figure Q2: A beam-spring structural system.
(a) Calculate the structure’s stiffness to central vertical deflection and hence determine
its natural period, T , given thatm = 1000 kg, EI = 6× 108 kNmm2, L = 3 m and
k = 250 Nmm−1 for the spring. (10 marks)
(b) The structure is acted upon by a time-varying force of the form
P (t) = P0(sinΩt+ cosΩt),
where P0 = 4 kN and Ω = 45 rad s
−1. Estimate the maximum dynamic deflection
of the structure to this action. (10 marks)
Question 3 (20 marks)
(a) The collapse load for the plate in Figure Q3 is to be determined using yield line
techniques. The plate is fixed along edge AB to prevent rotation and vertical trans-
lation. It is simply supported along edge BC. Using diagrams, illustrate two poten-
tial yield line patterns that may be considered for yield line analysis. (4 marks)
6 m
Figure Q3: Elastic plate
(b) A floor slab is analysed using 4-noded Mindlin-Reissner plate elements. The slab
is made of a linear, isotropic material with elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio
of 25 kNmm−2 and 0.2 respectively. The thickness of the slab is 0.2 m. Table
Q3 shows the nodal coordinates and the computed nodal displacements for one
rectangular element. Answer the following questions on the element.
i. Compute the bending moments,Mx,My andMxy at Node 1. (8 marks)
ii. Evaluate the shear strain γxz at the centre of the element, and then compute
the corresponding shear force Qx. (6 marks)
iii. Would the shear force Qx derived from the bending moment fields using the
following equation: Qx =
+ ∂Mxy
equal the shear force computed from
the shear strain γxz, as done in part ii? Explain why. (2 marks)
Node Coordinates (m) w (×10−3) m ψx (×10
−4) radians ψy (×10
−4) radians
1 (-1,-1) 4 0 80
2 (1,-1) 4 0 80
3 (1,1) 2 100 0
4 (-1,1) 2 100 0
Table Q3: Nodal data.
Question 4 (20 marks)
Use two families of beam strips, one set each along x and y directions, to evaluate the
maximum design moments for the homogeneous and isotropic slab in Figure Q4. The
slab is simply-supported on two edges AB and DC, and carries a uniformly distributed
load of magnitude 8 kNm−2 as illustrated in the figure.
(a) Briefly describe the load routes adopted for the slab. Indicate the loads taken by
the beam strips along the x- and y-directions and how the strips interact. (6 marks)
(b) Plot reaction forces along the boundaries taking care to convert any twist moments
into equivalent shear forces. (4 marks)
(c) Derive the equations for shear and bending moments for one beam strip along
the x-direction that has the maximum bending moments. Also give qualitative
sketches of the shear and bending moment diagrams. (10 marks)