Practical Skills in Remote Sensing
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GEOG6087: Practical Skills in Remote Sensing
Practical: Land Surface Temperature, Urban Greenness and Land Use/Cover
in Glasgow, UK
Assignment 2: “The relationship between LST, urban greenness and land use/cover
types in Glasgow, UK.”
Due Date: 12 noon, 27th May 2022, Word Count 2500
The overall aim of this practical is to evaluate the relationship between land surface temperature
urban greenness, and land use/cover in Glasgow UK. The specific objectives include:
• Generate land surface temperature data from a Landsat image and use this to identify and
map the presence of urban heat island in Glasgow area, UK
• Generate NDVI index and land cover/use map from a Landsat image and relate this to land
surface temperature data to identify any trends
• Write up the report from the practical on “The relationship between LST, urban greenness
and land use/cover types in Glasgow, UK”
Before beginning the practical download, the following data:
• Go to EarthExplorer and download Landsat 8 image
acquired on the 28th of June 2019 (path: 205, Row: 021)
• Download both Landsat 8 Collection 2 Level 1 and Landsat 8 Collection 2 Level 2 data for
the same date. Create a Folder called Level 1 and unzip the level 1 data here. Create another
folder called Level 2 and unzip the level 2 data here.
• You will use Landsat 8 Collection 2 level 1 data when generating LST and Landsat 8
Collection 2 level 2 data for other analysis (e.g., calculating NDVI and Land cover/use map)
• Glasgow Shapefile from Blackboard site
Part 1 Generating Land Surface Temperature from Landsat imagery
N/B: Some of the procedure described here follows that provided in Sobrino et al., 2008; Avdan &
Jovanovska, 2016 paper (provided in references).
The first step when generating LST is to calcite the Top of Atmosphere Spectral Radiance. We will
use the Thermal Infrared band to achieve this (Band 10) from Level 1 data
A. Calculating Top of Atmosphere Spectral radiance
1. Open ENVI 5.x software
2. Load Band 10.TIF from the Collection 2 Landsat 8 Level 1 data folder (make sure you use the
Level 1 data)
3. The formula for calculating the TOA spectral radiance is as follows:
1. TOA(R) = ML*Qcal + AL ……………Equation 1
o Where ML is the bands specific radiance multiplicative rescaling factor, which is
provided in the Metadata file (i.e., MTL.txt file in the folder) To find this value
you can go to Go to the Level 1 folder and open the MTL.txt file- In the MTL.txt
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_10 and find the value.
o AL is band specific additive rescaling factor, which is provided in the Metadata
file (i.e., MTL.txt file in the folder) To find this value you can go to Go to the
Level 1 folder and open the MTL.txt file- In the MTL.txt file go to GROUP =
N/B: We have slightly varied the TOA formula from Avdan and Jovanovska’s 2016 paper
(i.e., TOA(R)= ML∗ Qcal + AL – Oi), where they used Oi to correct for stray light effects in
band 10. We do not need this correction as this has been implemented in Landsat 8 level
1 data already. Therefore, we just use the first part of their equation (Equation 1 above)
to generate TOA in this practical.
2. After finding the various values of Equation 1 from the metadata (or Table 1 in Avdan
and Jovanovska’s 2016 paper) implement Equation 1 using Band Math tool in ENVI (type
Band Math here to find the tool)
3. Double click on the band math and then type the following in the Enter Expression
section: float (0.000342*b10 + 0.1). After typing the equation Click Add to List and then