QBUS6600 Data Analytics for Business Capstone
Creation date:2024-05-09 14:55:51
Data Analytics for Business Capstone
Data Analytics for Business Capstone
Assignment 3 (individual assignment)
1. Key information
Required submissions: Written report (due: Friday, May 27).
Weight: 30% of your final grade.
Length: Your written report should have a maximum of 6 pages (single spaced, 11pt). Cover
page, references, table of contents and appendix (if any) will not count towards the page limit.
2. Background
You have worked on an industry project both individually and collaboratively with your peers.
Now you have an opportunity to reflect on what you have done and what you have learnt
from this semester-long project. For a general background on refection skills in business,
please have a look at the following resource.
3. Outline of the written report and the marking scheme
1. Individual versus group investigation 15 marks
2. Contribution to the group
a. Technical contribution
b. Non-technical contribution
35 marks
3. Major difficulties 20 marks
4. Ethical considerations 15 marks
5. What could be done differently 15 marks
Total 100 marks
Please use the above outline for your report (you are welcome to break down the longer
sections into smaller subsections). Please note that for this particular assignment the above
outline is required rather than suggested.
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4. Rubric (basic requirements) and further details
Individual versus group investigation. Start with a brief introductory paragraph providing
the context and background for the semester long project. Discuss how you applied the results
and findings of your first individual assignment in your group project work. Explain why your
findings were helpful to the group. If your results or findings were not adopted in the group
project, reflect critically on why this happened and explain how the group achieved consensus.
Contribution to the group work. Discuss your contribution (both technical and non-
technical) to the group project. Critically reflect upon your role within the group. Discuss the
tasks (both technical and non-technical) that you were responsible for and highlight the work
that you have done. Explain how your contributions benefited the group. If your technical
contribution was minimal, you should also reflect on why this was the case and discuss what
technical skills you would like to improve.
Major difficulties. Discuss and reflect on the main difficulties or complications that you and
your group faced in your work on the project. Explain how you overcame the difficulties and
highlight your own contribution. The complications can be technical, non-technical, or both.
Ethical considerations. Discuss potential ethical problems with the data that has been
collected for your project. If you see no problems, discuss potential ethical problems that may
come up in the future if more data is collected. Offer recommendations to Movember, Screen
Australia or Sherpa on how to avoid or overcome these problems.
What could be done differently. Discuss what you would do differently if you had the
opportunity to re-consider this project as a data scientist at Movember, Screen Australia, or
Sherpa. Explain why the changes would be beneficial. Discuss what you would like to
investigate further and how this investigation would benefit your organization.
7. Late Submission of the report
Late submissions are subject to a deduction of 5% of the maximum mark for each calendar
day after the due date. After ten calendar days late, a mark of zero will be awarded.