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Question 1: Data, Visual Encoding and Charts (Overall 31 Marks)
Below is a table of student data.
Name Age Grade Course Entry Year
Student 1 Tom 20 A Math 1997
Student 2 Jim 19 B Math 1998
Student 3 Mary 22 A- Sport 1995
Student 4 Jane 21 B+ Art 1996
a. Describe the three basic data types. Assess each column of the table above on the
corresponding data type.
(4 Marks)
b. There are two main ways of presenting multivariate data sets: tables and graphs.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of visualizing data with tables versus
(4 Marks)
c. Mapping data attributes to visual features is a fundamental design decision in creating
a visualization. Some visual features are better suited to some data types than others.
i. List and describe Jaques Bertin’s seven visual encoding variables (semiology of
(4 Marks)
ii. For each basic data type in Q1(a), describe respectively one visual encoding that is
appropriate and inappropriate to use. Give one example of how each appropriate
visual encoding variable is used in a common visualization technique.
(5 Marks)
d. Compare and contrast two common techniques for visualizing multivariate data: 2D
Scatterplots and Parallel coordinates.
i. Explain 2D Scatterplots and Parallel coordinates.
(3 Marks)
ii. For each technique, identify the strengths and weaknesses in terms of the three
following basic visualization tasks: (1) Find value of data case; (2) Find correlation;
(3) Find outlier.
(6 Marks)
e. Describe the limitations of using Bertin’s semiology in visualizing multivariate data of
over 8 dimensions. List and describe two common methods that are able to visualize
high-dimensional multivariate data.
(5 Marks)
Question 2: Visual Perception and Interaction (Overall 21 Marks)
a. Describe the two stages of perceptual human visual processing model.
(4 Marks)
b. List a set of ten pre-attentive features. Give two examples of a conjunction of two
features that may be pre-attentive.
(5 Marks)
c. Describe three important Gestalt principles of visual organization and provide examples
of how these are used in visualization techniques.
(6 Marks)
d. Based on user intent, list the 7 categories of interactions for information visualization.
Briefly explain three categories of those interactions with examples.
Question 3: Tree and Graph (Overall 22 Marks)
Below is a map of the stock market (covered in the G53FIV lectures), visualized using the
treemap technique.
a. Describe what treemap is.
(2 Marks)
b. List and explain all the visual encodings and their corresponding data types in this
treemap visualization.
(5 Marks)
c. Describe the concept of “focus and context”. Illustrate the benefits of this using the
“map of the stock market” visualization as an example.
(4 Marks)
d. If there are too many companies in the stock market (e.g. >10000), what are the
issues using the treemap visualization techniques? Explain the problem, and discuss
the basic idea and two common techniques to alleviate this problem.
(5 Marks)
e. In addition to treemap, list and briefly descibe two other common techniques for
visualizing trees. Compare the pros and cons of using treemap against one of the other
common tree representations.