C2511C: Introduction to Programming
Creation date:2024-05-08 17:52:22
Introduction to Programming
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C2511C: Introduction to Programming
Due Date: End of Week 15
Assessment weighting: This assessment is out of 100 and will contribute towards 30% of your overall
course mark.
(This is not a hurdle assessment)
Submission policy:
• The due date for this assessment is end of week 15
• Only one submission will be made per team
• Submissions will be made via Canvas
• Projects submitted after the due date but one week late will be accepted with a 20% reduction in
• Projects submitted after 11:59pm before 11:59pm two weeks late will be accepted with a 50%
• reduction in marks
• Projects submitted after two weeks late will not be accepted without RMIT Special Consideration
approval unless an extension has been granted prior to the due date (see below)
What to Submit:
Your team should make one single submission in a .zip file named cosc2511_sxxxxxxx.zip (where
sxxxxxxx is the project submitter’s student number)
Your zip file should include the following:
• A document showing all algorithms and pseudocode used to solve the programming problems
(gameplay, item interaction, npc encounters, etc)
• Documentation of your game including a description of the story, the game map, objective and
instructions on how to run the game and play
• All required program files submitted as .java source code files
• Extensions will only be granted under exceptional circumstances and are intended to offer support
and flexibility where unforeseen events have occurred preventing students from submitting projects on
• If an extension is required, project teams must apply via email to their lab teacher prior to the due date
with an explanation of the unforeseen circumstances experienced
• If an extension is granted by your teacher, it will be for a maximum of 7 calendar days
The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to exercise your algorithmic thinking and Java
programming skills to solve programming problems with tools practiced throughout the semester in
Introduction to Programming COSC2511.
Team Composition: You will form teams of 1 – 3 students in Canvas and notify your instructor of your
team composition via your section’s Canvas discussion board by the end of week 13. Any students not
forming a team by this date will be deemed to be submitting this project as an individual assessment task.
What to Create (Core Requirements):
The topic of this project is that your submission should be a console-based text adventure game written in
Java and should show an understanding of topics covered in Introduction to Programming COSC2511.
Full creative control is with your project team, and the story line is completely up to you! You might be
exploring an alien planet, attacking a castle, or trying to make your way out of a spooky forest. Let your
imagination run wild!
Your game environment should be based on a 5 x 5 grid layout (see visual example on page 3) and
should have a minimum of 9 locations that a player can visit throughout the game.
Your game must have a clear objective (to win the game), and potentially may have an alternate ending
(optional) such as the player dying. Your game must include an inventory system allowing a player to
pick up, carry, list and interact with a minimum of 5 items, and must include at least one interaction
with a non-player character (npc).
Players must be able to navigate the game using a simple control system based on the four main points of
a compass (north(n), south(s), east(e) & west(w)), and each time a location and any available items or
interactions is visited a description of the location must be printed to the screen. Once an item has been
picked up, or a foe vanquished, subsequent visits to that location must omit the item or npc from the
description (or in the case of a slain enemy, change its state to dead in the description).
Your goal is to display an understanding of the following programming tools used throughout your
• Exemplary coding etiquette showing good indenting, consistent block bracing style, data type and
class naming conventions and appropriate use of comments
• At least one text-based menu
• User (player) input
• Appropriate selection of and use of variables
• Selection statements including switch, if, else if and nested if
• Iteration with the appropriate type of loops
• Use of random numbers
• Arrays
• Functions
• Classes and methods
RMIT Classification: Trusted
Game Layout Example