MATH0094 Market Risk and Portfolio Theory
Creation date:2024-05-08 17:33:52
Market Risk and Portfolio Theory
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MATH0094 Market Risk and Portfolio Theory
Mock Exam
Each question is worth 25 marks.
Question 1. For a constant c ∈ R, let u : R→ R be given by
u(x) =
x− c x ≥ c
−√c− x x < c ,
x is the non-negative square root for x ≥ 0.
(a) Calculate the coefficient of absolute risk aversion and the coefficient of relative
risk aversion as a function of wealth for an investor with this utility function.
[ 8 marks]
(b) Two investment opportunities are available to an investor with the above util-
ity function and initial wealth c: i) An investment with (gross) return R
distributed like U [1/2, 3/2]; or ii) An investment with return R˜ distributed
like U [2/3, 4/3].
According to utility theory, which of these investments will the investor prefer?
Generalise your answer to the comparison of two investments with distribution
U [1− p, 1 + p].
[9 marks]
(c) Consider the risk measure ρu defined by
ρ(X) := −u−1(E[u(X)]), for X such that E|u(X)| <∞.
Show that u is not a monetary risk measure.
[8 marks]
[Total: 25 marks]
Question 2.
Set a one-period market model with a risk-free asset with rate of return r01 and n
risky assets with normal rate of return vector r1 ∼ N (µ,Σ), where µ ∈ Rn and
Σ ∈ Rn×n is definite positive and invertible. Recall that
ri1 :=
Si1 − Si0
; i = 0, . . . , n.
Assume that 0 < r01 < µ
i for i = 1, . . . n.
(a) Show that if M is an SDF in this market, then M is negatively correlated with
each rate of return ri1 (that is, show that corr(M, r
1) < 0).
[7 marks]
(b) Find the optimal investment solving (a) when the investor has CARA utility
with risk aversion α.
[10 marks]
Consider now a two-period version of the above market, assuming that the rate of
returns in time are i.i.d. so that r2 ∼ r1, r2 ⊥ r1 and r02 = r01.
(c) The same investor as in (b) wants now to maximise
where W2 is their wealth at time 2. Assume they have initial wealth w0, no
consumption and no endowments. Find the optimal investment strategy for
this investor.
Hint: Take advantage of the independence assumption and use dynamic pro-
[8 marks]
[Total: 25 marks]
Question 3.
(a) Show that for α ∈ (0, 1) and any two random variables X, Y such that (X, Y )
is jointly Gaussian we have that V@Rα(X + Y ) ≤ V@Rα(X) + V@Rα(Y ).
[9 marks]
(b) Show via a counterexample that Value at Risk is, however, not subadditive in
general. Verify on the same example the subadditivity of expected shortfall.
[9 marks]
(c) Assume that you are calculating capital on the daily returns of a portfolio
using as risk measure value at risk at 97.5%.
Use a Z-test (Gaussian test) to find the minimal number of excess losses in a
trading year (252 days) that would put in doubt the coverage property of your
calculation, if the accepted I-type error is 5%.
[7 marks]
[Total: 25 marks]
Question 4. Consider a financial market composed by one risk-free asset with
return R0, and n risky assets with returns Rˆ = (R1, . . . , Rn)>. We define µ =
(µ1, . . . , µn)> where µi = E[Ri], and the matrix Σ where Σij = cov[Ri, Rj], for
i, j = 1, . . . , n. Assume that Σ is invertible and that
R0 6= µ
Furthermore, let pi = (pi0, . . . , pin)> where pii denotes the proportion of investment
in the i-th risky asset, and pi is the sub-vector corresponding to the risky assets.
(a) We showed that all portfolios in the mean-variance frontier can be written as
pi∗ = δpΣ−1(µ −R01); pi∗0 = 1− 1>pi∗
Show that the value of the constant δp needed to obtain a portfolio in the
frontier with mean µp is
δp =
µp −R0
(µ −R01)>Σ−1(µ −R01) .
[8 marks]
(b) For a portfolio pi let Rpi, µpi and σpi be respectively its return, expected return
and standard deviation of its return. Recall that the Sharpe ratio is given by
S(pi) = µpi −R
Show that
|S(pi)| ≤
(µ −R01)>Σ−1(µ −R01)
with equality if and only if pi is in the mean-variance frontier.
[9 marks]
(c) Show that if there is a beta pricing model having as factor the return of a
market portfolio pi∗, i.e., if for any market portfolio pi we have that
µpi −R0 = (µpi∗ −R0)cov(Rpi, Rpi∗)
then pi∗ is a portfolio in the mean-variance frontier. Hint: Use (b).