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HMB312H1 – Microbiology I/II/III Lab Report Instructions
Write a FULL lab report EXCLUDING Materials & Methods - relevant sections outlined below
Title Information
Include your name, student ID, date, and a clear/informative title (you do not need a separate
title page, include this information on the first page of your report).
Abstract (200 words max, see typical journal article for abstract content and format)
Introduction (500 words max)
Results (500-600 words, excluding figure captions)
Discussion (1000-1100 words max)
References (at least 5-6 primary and/or review references, CSE citation-sequence style)
The content of each section is up to you. You can use previous lab report instructions
as a guide, but you are encouraged to do you own research work and come up with relevant
ideas/figures/discussion for each section. In addition, you can look through the Microbiology
Lab Manual for important questions you can answer in your results or discussion section
(whichever section applies). The evaluation rubric (available on Quercus) can also be consulted.
Note on Discussion Section: For your plating experiment (Day 2, Experiment 1) it is required to
try and identify the different bacteria that grew on the result plates (the results/data obtained
in Microbiology III). Justify your identification using your result observations (e.g. gram
staining, pictures taken), the supplemental information provided (including demo plates) and
the literature. Marks will NOT be taken off for an incorrect identification as long as you go
through a valid justification process.
Format: single-spaced, word limits given should be followed!
Submit at the start of your lab section (Mar.23 or 24/22) or a late penalty of 20% per day applies:
1. Electronic copy to Quercus/Ouriginal through the Assignments TAB (Ouriginal submission
is automatic!)