TELE4653 Digital Modulation & Coding
Creation date:2024-05-06 15:34:16
Digital Modulation & Coding
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Assignment 2 - TELE4653 Digital Modulation & Coding
• Total Marks: 10.
• Total pages: 2 (including this page).
• Late submission will suffer a penalty of 2 marks per day late.
• Every student must work on the assignment independently.
• The assignment report should include following:
(a) Title page: Student name & ID, email address, etc.
(b) Main part: your solutions with detailed derivations.
(c) Matlab results (plotting and discussion of results).
(d) Appendix: Program code for producing the figures in the report. DO NOT send
the code in a separate file. Please copy and paste it in your report.
ASSIGNMENT 2 - TELE4653, 2022
Question 1
Consider the square 16-point QAM signal constellation. We assume that the
distance between any two adjacent points on the constellation is dmin.
1) (2 marks)
Show all possible distances between any two points in the constellation.
2) (2 marks)
Determine and plot a union bound and a lower bound on the probability of
error of maximum likelihood detection. (Show MATLAB program code)
3) (2 marks)
Determine and plot the exact probability of error of maximum likelihood
detection. (Show MATLAB program code)
Question 2 (4 marks)
Plot probability of bit error Pb (as a function of SNR per bit γb = EbN0 , from 0
dB to 10 dB) for rate 1/2 constraint-length K = 3 convolutional code and Viterbi
decoding. (Show MATLAB program code)