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EFIMM0117 – TB2 2021-22
Assignment: 100% - One 2,500-word assignment (excluding references/footnotes, figures and
appendices) to be submitted via Blackboard before 13.00, 10th May 2022.
This summative assessment constitutes 100% of the overall mark for this unit. The assessment is an
individual written assignment of approximately 2,500 words. The referencing section is not included in
the word count. The assignment must be submitted via Turnitin. During the last three seminars, formative
assessment in the form of presentation will also be used as you develop your research question.
The first aim of this summative assignment is to assess your knowledge and understanding of key
theories of organisational behaviour. Further, its purpose is to also test your ability to critically analyse a
real-world organisational problem using the main concepts and theories discussed in the context of this
For this summative assessment suppose that you are hired as an external research expert by an
organisation that faces a major challenge related to any aspect of organisational behaviour (e.g., team
work, motivation, leadership, identity, diversity, etc.). Your goal is to author a report which will: (i) identify
the nature of the organisation and the problem that it is facing; (ii) critically discuss what relevant theories
of organisation behaviour suggest in such issues; (iii) recommend appropriate interventions and reforms
reflecting on theory and the characteristics of this particular organisation.
❖ Challenge(s): Choose either 1 topic out of all topics discussed in the lectures and seminars.
❖ Case study: Select a real organisation that is of interest to you. This can be a large scale organisation
or a smaller, local organisation. Note that the selected organisation should not necessarily be a
private, for-profit corporation. Focusing on ‘non-standard’ case studies, like public organisations,
cooperatives, third sector organisations, and non-profit organisations can be very interesting and is
strongly encouraged.
❖ Develop a research question: Reflect on your selected topic and organisation to integrate them. It
could also be useful to link your research question to broader grant societal challenges if that is
possible (e.g., COVID-19, the climate crisis, racial and ethnic discrimination).
Relevant examples of organisations that could become your case study can be found in many different
media outlets and/or in general management magazines. Indicatively, depending on your interests, some
examples of relevant outlets are the Harvard Business Review, the MIT Sloan Management Review, the
Economist, the Conversation, the Project Syndicate, and the School of Management’s Futures of Work
blog, among others.
Example 1
Challenges: Team Work; Motivation
Case study: The NHS during the COVID-19 pandemic
Example 2
Challenges: Leadership; Organisational Culture
Case study: A British university over the last decades
Example 3
Challenges: Politics, power and decision-making; CSR
Case study: The Volkswagen emissions scandal (“Dieselgate”)
The core and recommended readings for this unit are an indicative starting point. While the assignment
must clearly engage with these, independent research is also essential. At least 10 different academic
sources should be included.
As mentioned earlier, the report should: (i) demonstrate a good understanding of relevant theories and
wide reading of the literature; (ii) include research on the selected case study; and (iii) provide a precise
analysis of the case study based on state-of-the-art academic literature.
In Weeks 18, 20, 22, you will do short presentations related to your assignment and the teaching team
will provide feedback.
❖ Week 18 - “Pitch a problem”: Discuss which topic(s) you have selected and for which types of
organisations these issues are important.
❖ Week 20 - “Pitch your case study”: Discuss which organisation you have selected, why the topic you
have selected is a key issue for this organisation, and whether this is linked to a broader social issue.
❖ Week 22 - “Pitch a solution”: Briefly mention what theories suggest as a solution when it comes to
such challenges and organisations. Is there a consensus? What is your specific recommendation?