SEE5211/SEE8212 Data Analysis in Environmental Applications
Creation date:2024-05-06 14:55:29
Data Analysis in Environmental Applications
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Data Analysis in Environmental Applications
Semester B 2021-22 (Dr. Edwin Tso) – Project
(20% of the total mark)
Deadline: 8th May, 2022
Project Assignment – Energy and Environmental Assessment
Scope of work:
1. Each of you needs to pick up one environmental pollutant or energy related problem to
investigate. You are required to analyze the data by statistical method and computational
tools, such as Python, learnt from the lecture.
2. Relevant information sources, i.e. data, should be available online (e.g. EMSD, EPD,
Journal Paper, other Hong Kong government websites, etc.).
3. Report: At least 20-page report (font size: 12, line spacing: 1.5) needs to be written.
4. Please send the report to TA and Instructor via Canvas in pdf or word format.
Project Objectives:
To investigate environmental or energy-related problems by statistical methods;
To practice to use computational tools;
To learn how to analyze the real data by statistical methods;
To foster how to solve the problems creatively and innovatively;
To develop a critical thinking capability.
Suggested format of the report and assessment criteria:
Abstract (5%)
Introduction (10%)
Methodology (15%)
Results & Discussion (20%)
Recommendations (20%)
Conclusions (10%)
References (5%)
Appendix (e.g. programming code, etc.) (5%)
English Writing (10%)