IE5600 – Applied Programming for Industrial Systems
Creation date:2024-05-05 15:14:12
Applied Programming for Industrial Systems
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IE5600 – Applied Programming for Industrial Systems
At the completion of the individual assignment, you should:
1. Develop a better understanding of how to apply the computational problem solving
process to a complex problem that requires the use of appropriate data structures and
2. Implement procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms in Python.
3. Apply appropriate user-defined data structures and algorithms.
General Requirements
You are required to develop a Python program known as PyWarehouse which is essentially
a warehouse management system for a typical manufacturing and import/export company.
PyWarehouse will manage the storage locations in the warehouse, the inventory items stored
in the storage locations as well as the inbound and outbound movement of these inventory
Figure 1 shows a layout plan of a typical warehouse divided into several zones such as
reception, loading & unloading, picking and storage. As illustrated in the layout plan, the
storage zone is further organised into multiple storage racks.
Figure 2 shows a hypothetical layout plan based on Figure 1 which will constitute the actual
warehouse that PyWarehouse would be managing. In this hypothetical layout plan, the
storage racks are numbered sequentially with the odd numbered racks on one side and the
even numbered racks on the other side.
Each storage rack is further divided into one or more levels of storage spaces known as
shelves. Each storage shelf can be further divided into one or more compartments known as
storage bins. Each storage bin is characterised by various key parameters such as length,
width, depth, volumetric space, and load capacity. Refer to Figure 3 for a three-dimensional
view of a typical storage rack. An inventory item may only be allocated to a storage bin of
sufficient volumetric space and adequate load capacity. In addition, no part of the item should
protrude out of the storage bin, i.e., the length, width and depth of an item should all be less
than or equal to the corresponding dimensions of the storage bin. For example, an item might
meet the volumetric space and load capacity of a storage bin but the depth might be too high.
In this case, the item should not be allocated to this bin.
IE5600 – Applied Programming for Industrial Systems
Figure 3 – Three-dimensional view of a typical storage rack (with numbering of rack, shelves and bins).
In general, the load capacity of a storage bin will remain the same or decrease as the shelf
level increases in order to maintain the overall stability of the storage rack. In other words,
heavier items should be stored on lower storage shelves. If a storage bin is shared among
multiple items, it is necessary to check that the odd-shaped volumetric space remaining is
sufficient and a heavier item is not stacked on top of a lighter item. See the two examples
depicted in Figure 4.
Figure 4 – Sharing of storage bins by multiple items.
Existing Item
Bin 2
Existing Item
Bin 1
New Item that is lighter weigh
Design a set of suitable classes together with the necessary inheritance and/or association
relationships to represent the warehouse shown in Figure 2 that PyWarehouse would be
managing. You do not need to draw a UML class diagram as part of the deliverable
submission. You are only required to define the classes in a Python module and import this
module for use in the actual PyWarehouse program.
You need to take into consideration that each storage rack consists of multiple storage shelves
and each shelf is further divided into multiple storage bins as shown in Figure 3 and 4.
In addition, the classes also need to be able to represent inventory items that are stored in the
warehouse. For simplicity, PyWarehouse is only required to track inventory items in broad
lot quantity that are packaged in carton boxes or pallets. In other words, each unit of an
inventory item manifest as a single carton box or pallet stored at a particular storage bin.
Other than the physical dimensions, weight and quantity, you only need to keep track of the
stock keeping unit (SKU) code of an item together with its name. Here is an example of an
inventory item record with reference to the storage rack depicted in Figure 3:
• SKU Code – MASK
• Name – COVID-19 3-Ply Face Mask (100 Boxes)
• Dimensions (LxWxD) – 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm
• Volumetric Space – 1,000,000 cm3
• Weight – 20 kg
• Quantity – 10:
o 1 – Rack 1 Shelf 1 Bin 1
o 2 – Rack 1 Shelf 1 Bin 1
o 3 – Rack 1 Shelf 1 Bin 2
o 4 – Rack 1 Shelf 1 Bin 2
o 5 – Rack 1 Shelf 1 Bin 3
o 6 – Rack 1 Shelf 1 Bin 3
o 7 – Rack 1 Shelf 2 Bin 1
o 8 – Rack 1 Shelf 2 Bin 1
o 9 – Rack 1 Shelf 2 Bin 2
o 10 – Rack 1 Shelf 2 Bin 2
It is mandatory to apply the object-oriented programming paradigm to this assignment.
Otherwise, you would only be awarded 50% of the marks for the use cases.
IE5600 – Applied Programming for Industrial Systems
Use Cases
Use the classes that you have defined to implement the following use cases for PyWarehouse
without the use of any Python modules. In other words, your program should NOT contain
any import statement unless you are importing your own user-defined module(s).
S/N Use Case Use Case Description/Business Rules
1 Create Storage Rack
(2 marks)
• Create a new storage rack in the warehouse.
• You may assume that all storage bins in a rack has the
same parameters.
Sample Input:
• Rack Number – 1
• Number of shelves – 3
• Number of bins per shelf – 3
• Bin Length – 200 cm
• Bin Width – 200 cm
• Bin Depth – 200 cm
• Computed Volumetric Space for each Bin –
8,000,000 cm3
• Bin Load Capacity – 50 kg
Sample Output:
• Created the following storage bins:
o Rack 1 Shelf 1 Bin 1
o Rack 1 Shelf 1 Bin 2
o Rack 1 Shelf 1 Bin 3
o …
o Rack 1 Shelf 3 Bin 3
2 Create Inventory Item
(1 marks)
• Create a new inventory item record.
Sample Input:
• SKU Code – MASK
• Name – COVID-19 3-Ply Face Mask (100 Boxes)
• Length – 100 cm
• Width – 100 cm
• Depth – 100 cm
• Computed Volumetric Space for each Unit –
1,000,000 cm3
• Weight – 20 kg
IE5600 – Applied Programming for Industrial Systems
S/N Use Case Use Case Description/Business Rules
3 Add Inventory
(4 marks)
• Add one or more units of an inventory item.
• For each unit of inventory item, the program should
search the warehouse for all available storage bins and
recommend them to the user for selection.
• The user should only select one storage bin for each
• If no suitable storage bin is available, print an error
message and stop processing the current and
subsequent units.
• It is important to perform a check on whether a storage
bin is able to accommodate the item based on the
dimensions, volumetric space and weight.