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ACS133 Physical Systems
Assignment weighting 10% Assignment released
Assignment due Week 10, Spring Semester (Blackboard online submission deadline 23:59pm, 5 May 2022). You may submit your work before the submission deadline (the deadline is not a target!). Do not leave it to the last minute in case you encounter problems. For full information see the assignment briefing below.
Penalties for late submission Late submissions will incur the usual penalties of a 5% reduction in the mark for every working day (or part thereof) that the assignment is late and a mark of zero for submission more than 5 working days late.
Feedback No later than 2-3 weeks after the submission deadline. This will include the overall mark, individual component marks and comments on performance on the assignment. Note that marks may be subject to change as a result of unfair means.
Unfair means Work must be completed as individuals. Submitted work must be your own. All submitted work will be checked. Suspected unfair means will be investigated and may lead to penalties.
Help This assignment briefing, the lecture notes, and the laboratory handouts (all available on Blackboard) provide all the information that is required to complete this assignment. It is not expected that you should need to ask further questions. Remember that you need to decide on what is the most appropriate approach to carry out the simulations and present your results. This is also part of what you are being assessed on and will assess your knowledge and understanding of the taught material for ACS133.
Assignment briefing x This assignment/report will assess your fundamental understanding of physical systems, including use of MATLAB/Simulink relevant to the AC133 module. The assignment is a case study of the modelling and simulation of a thermal system that you have studied in the Spring semester. x Your answers must consist of MATLAB code and Simulink model(s) used to solve the assignment questions shown below together with any supporting output results (plots/figures etc.) and any other relevant evidence to justify your solution. x In the report you need to address the questions directly, include your working methodology, justifications/assumptions, as well as include brief discussion of the results as appropriate. x MATLAB code must have comments that include the title, author, date, the purpose of the code and help details as shown in the MATLAB laboratory sessions. x In doing the assignment, you should be prepared to use the MATLAB help system and do some personal study to learn about functions or features you may need.
Submitting your work You must submit a report document and all your relevant MATLAB/Simulink files. x Report document You must submit the completed assignment report to the ACS133 Blackboard page, via Turnitin, as a single document. You must include your University registration number at the top of every page (header). Your report should be word processed, using minimum size font 11, minimum 2.5cm margins all around,
Marking criteria The marking scheme is summarised here, but the marker will be focussed on what the student submission is worth overall and therefore may move some marks from one criteria to another where appropriate.
Report Task 1 Marks will be awarded for correct solutions and methodology, relevant justifications and supporting discussion. 8 Marks Report Task 2 Marks will be awarded for correct solutions and methodology, relevant justifications and supporting discussion. 12 Marks MATLAB and Simulink Covering tasks 1 and 2 combined, it will be assessed whether your code runs without errors and repeatedly does so; not dependent on pre-existing values in workspace; gives the right answers and/or accompanying text and/or correct plots with attention to detail regarding units, labels, etc., and you have shown proficiency with MATLAB, Simulink and your GUI in your attention to design, readability and consistency (clear design, good indenting, sensible variable names, useful comments, good quality help). 25 Marks Report quality Use of English, report structure and clarity of writing, quality of figures/plots/diagrams, use of references and justifications of solutions.