A Digital Solution for Dance Studio 358
Creation date:2024-05-04 17:22:31
A Digital Solution for Dance Studio 358
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A Digital Solution for Dance Studio 358
Summary Task:
The assignment asks you to create a collection of UML diagrams (eight diagrams) that visually
represent a business application for the dance studio 358.
Introduction of Case Scenario:
The Dance Studio 358 is a studio in Corinda that provides adults of any age a place to
experience dance in a positive environment. In a term, different dance workshops are offered
every week covering a range of different styles, Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary, and Tap. A
workshop is a two-and-half-day or three-day course focused on a particular dance style.
Over time, more and more adults want to attend dance workshops. The studio’s director, Louise
Red, manages all matters related to the studio with the Excel spreadsheet and pen and pencil.
Doing it this way is very time-consuming, bears the potential for mistakes and errors, and limits
the possibility for others to get involved.
Hence, Louise would like to have a digital solution to help him with the management of the
dance studio. After consulting with Queensland Associated Dance Studios Inc. that represents
all Queensland-based dance studios, Louise decided to hire the IT consulting company Blue
Bridge to create the digital solution. Michael Price, the owner of Blue Bridge, is tasked with
the design of the system, and you are working with Michael to achieve this.
Assignment requirements for students:
1) You must use the software Enterprise Architect from the company Sparx Systems to create
the UML diagrams.
2) You must in total create eight UML diagrams – five diagrams that follow the case
description and three diagrams that present a feature, or innovation that is not described in
the Dance Studio 358 case description (we refer to them as “innovation diagrams). For
more details, see section ‘Task Description’.
3) Assignments with watermarks are not allowed because when there is a watermark in the
diagram the marker cannot read your solutions –for further details inquire in the
consultation with M. Wang.
4) You must use UML 2.5 –This means the assignment must comply with the tutorial
materials and by extension the OMG UML specification version 2.5 or Sparx Systems’
UML recommendations.
5) Your final submission is a Word document where the UML diagrams are copied in
6) You must also submit a SINGLE Enterprise Architect file that includes the eight UML 2.5
diagrams which the marker uses if the copied UML diagrams are not readable, or the
marker wants to verify something. Do not submit diagrams another student created because
this is considered ‘student misconduct’ and will be dealt with according to UQ policies.
UML Project – Dance Studio 358 Semester 1-2022
[New Version: Effective from 21 Feb 2022]
Students per Assignment
The assignment can be submitted as an individual assignment OR done by two students as a
group assignment. When doing it as a group assignment it is a UQ requirement to do a peer
evaluation. For more details refer to the course’ Blackboard site.
How do I submit the assignment?
The assignment submission must be done via the Blackboard site following the steps below:
1) Go to “Assessment” → “Assessment: Project analysis and design assessment portfolio”
2) Find two links → one is a Turnitin submission link, the other is a Blackboard submission
3) Through the first Turnitin submission link, submit a project report (.doc or .docx).
4) Through the second Blackboard submission link, submit an Enterprise Architect file
(.eapx). If the assignment is done in a group, a Peer Assessment Form (.pdf) must be
submitted via this link as well.
IMPORTANT: If the assignment is done in a group, only ONE student of the group needs to
submit the project report (.doc or .docx) through the Turnitin submission link. The name and
student ID of both students in a group must be clearly stated on the cover page of the project
report. However, both students must submit the Enterprise Architect file (.eapx) and Peer
Assessment Form (.pdf) through the Blackboard submission link.
How do I know that my assignment submission was successful?
When the assignment is successfully submitted the student receives two automatically
generated confirmation emails (one for the Turnitin submission, one for the EA project
submission) in his/her student email. Each email contains a unique submission ID.
Important submission information:
1) To avoid any potential technical problems with computers or the internet, students are
advised to commence assignment submission at least 3 hours before they are due.
2) Students must click on the Submit button to submit their assignments. Do not save the
assignment as a draft, you must submit the assignment by clicking the submit button. When
the assignment is only saved then the submission has not been finalised.
3) If the student does not receive any of the two confirmation emails with the submission IDs,
then the student must assume that the submission of the entire assignment or part of it was
4) If a student does not receive the TWO confirmation emails with the submission IDs within
60 minutes the student is advised to resubmit the respective assignment part or the entire
assignment (word file and EA file).
5) The two confirmation emails with the submission IDs are the only proof that the assignment
has been successfully submitted. Do not delete these confirmation emails.
6) It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that any UQ assignment is submitted successfully.
Any unsuccessful submission may result in late penalty.
It is understandable that students talk with each other regularly and discuss problems and
potential solutions. However, it is expected that the submitted assignment is a unique work –
all parts of the assignment are to be completed solely by the student(s) indicated on the first
page of the assignment. The best practice to avoid misconduct is not to look at another student’s
UML Project – Dance Studio 358 Semester 1-2022
[New Version: Effective from 21 Feb 2022]
file(s) and not to show your solution to other students. In case where an assignment is perceived
to not be a unique work, a loss of marks and other implications can result.
For further information about academic integrity, plagiarism and consequences, please visit
http://ppl.app.uq.edu.au/content/3.60.04- student-integrity-and-misconduct\
In the following, you find details that allow you to create a truthful representation of the
business case. You must capture the operation of the dance studio as it is described here. You
cannot fill in gaps or leave information out. If you do so, marks will be deducted.
Registration Process for a Dance Workshop:
Currently, a client (an adult interested in taking a dance workshop) either calls Louise or send
an email inquiring about attending a workshop, which is inefficient and makes it difficult for
Louise to keep a record of the persons’ information as well as restricting the number of dancers
for each workshop.
Hence, she wants to have an automated process registration to eliminate any manual work,
support registration for the workshops in an easy way, and provide her with the ability to better
manage capacities for each workshop.
The registration process will be overseen by the headteacher who is ballet and jazz teacher in
the studio. While the director takes charge of the studio enrolment and term payments, the
headteacher is responsible for maintaining workshop register, records attendance, weekly
workshop schedules, and other activities necessary to keep the dance studio running smoothly.
The Scope of the Project – Systems Behaviors and Possible Use Cases
The following text provides the details to create the use case diagram. The use case shall present
the dance workshop registration subsystem.
The goal of the digital solution is to automate the process of booking of the dance workshops.
With the digital solution, the headteacher can open new workshops, along with editing
information relevant to the workshops. The headteacher can also restrict the capacity of dancers
for each workshop. If a workshop does not have at least five adults registered three days before
the start date of the workshop, the headteacher has the option to cancel the workshop.
For the online booking, there is also a set capacity of 18 dancers per workshop. However, the
headteacher or Louise can change the number up to 20 places, which equals to the studio’s
capacity. It would be good if the system sends a notification to the headteacher and Louise
once 18 dancers have booked to allow for manually increasing the number for the ‘in-demand’
workshops. This means the headteacher and Louise both need access to the system to change
the workshop capacity.
Michael cannot believe it when Louise tells her that some adults do not show up to the
workshop despite having booked and paid in advance. Hence, Louise is confident that she
normally can accommodate all dancers wanting to be creative and express themselves.
Louise also wants to set up a registration portal on the dance studio’s webpage through which
dancers can register for the workshops beforehand. Through the registration portal, dancers can
log in, view all available workshops, and sign up for their preferred workshops. If they want to
keep information about the booked workshop, they have the option to download an iCalendar
UML Project – Dance Studio 358 Semester 1-2022
[New Version: Effective from 21 Feb 2022]
file, which can be added to their Outlook/Google calendar. At times, dancers would like to
cancel certain bookings due to unexpected events, such as sickness or a hospital visit (sprain
an ankle). Then they can use the ‘Cancel’ option.
Dancers are required to sign up in advance through the ‘Register Now’ feature, but sometimes
dancers do not register and simple ‘walk-in’ on the day of the workshop. Hence, in most weeks
there are less than 18 dancers booked in. This means that the walk-ins are allowed to attend the
workshop. In fact, Louise or the headteacher always try to make room for a few more dancers
if their studio capacity of 20 is not reached.
When the dancers come into the studio, there is a sign-up sheet (paper) on the table asking
them to sign in. They need to provide their name, the membership number, their contact details,
and emergency contact details. Louise would like to remove the paper sheet and put a tablet at
the entrance table. When dancers enter the workshop studio, they can then enter their details
directly into the digital solution.
After each workshop, the headteacher generates a report to get the list of attendees. Louise
needs to get the report because she needs to compare the workshop attendees with the term
enrolments. She can also get a printout version if needed.
The workshop fee is AUD 150. At the moment, many dancers pay per bank transfer. Louise
would like the dancers to pay via the registration website at the time of the booking. However,
Louise does not want to force payment at the time of the online booking because she is afraid
it may negatively impact the numbers. Hence, the system should give the option of online
payment or via bank transfer.
When attending a workshop, the dancers need to make sure they are enrolled in Dance Studio
358 to have insurance when attending. The yearly fee is either AUD 35 or AUD 75 depending
on membership status.
Registration Process for a Dance Workshop
The following text provides the details to create the activity diagram and the sequence diagram.
Both diagrams present the booking process for a dance workshop, however, the activity
diagram needs to capture the process, whereas the sequence diagram captures the interactions
between the actors [dancers & headteacher] and the system (each).
The process of booking a workshop at Dance Studio 358 starts when the dancers go to the
studio’s website and there click on “Register Now”.
First, the system requires verification of the users’ identity by asking them to sign into a valid
account. If the dancer is not a registered user, s/he will need to sign up for a new account. To
do so, the dancer enters personal information, including the age, emergency contact, email
address, and his/her contact number. After submitting the sign-up form, the dancer receives a
validation email to complete the sign-up process for the new account. The link contained in the
email will expire three days from the date sent. When the dancer has an account, s/he simply
logs into the system by entering his/her login details, i.e., email address and password.
Once the dancer is logged in, s/he can book any upcoming workshops. Initially, Louise sets the
capacity for each workshop to 18 dancers. Once 18 bookings are made, any new bookings will
be rejected, but the person is added to a waiting list. The headteacher and Louise will receive
UML Project – Dance Studio 358 Semester 1-2022
[New Version: Effective from 21 Feb 2022]
a notification (via email and text message) and can increase the number of sign-ups for the
workshop manually, either immediately or at a later stage. The increase is only possible to a
maximum of 20 places to comply with the studios’ health and safety regulations. Subsequently,
more places open up for booking and the dancers on the waitlist will be notified. Once they
have confirmed their interest in a particular workshop, they are automatically signed up for it.
The payment for the dance workshop works as follows: There are two options for dancers to
pay for the workshop – immediately online or later via bank transfer. If sign-up is online, the
dancers have an option to make the payment via credit card at the end of the booking process
or later as a bank transfer but not later than two days before the workshop.
Once the payment is made via the online system, the system sends a receipt and, meanwhile,
records the details of attendees. If the dancer does not pay online, s/he will only receive a
confirmation email with the studio’s bank account details and a unique transaction reference
code. For these dancers who choose to pay the workshop fee via bank transfer, they instruct
their bank to transfer the fee to the studio’s bank account. The payment is confirmed and
recorded in the system at the time of the fee is received.
Once a dancer has booked a workshop, s/he is free to check out the detailed workshop plan and
dance moves on the webpage. In most cases, dancers would like to get a reminder of the
workshop. They can simply do so by clicking on the ‘Save to Calendar’ button on their booking
page. In case a dancer wants to sign up for more than one dance workshop, s/he can repeat the
same process to book available workshops.
Data Requirements of the Digital Solution
The following text provides you with the details you need to create the domain class diagram.
The diagram shall present the data structure of the entire dance studio management system
(beyond the workshop booking subsystem).
In the meetings with Louise, Michael learns about various types of information that the system
needs to keep track of, and that are important to different users of the system. Louise provides
him with a list of the essential information the system needs to capture. You find the
information in the Excel spreadsheet (see in Blackboard).
To help Michael better understand the information in the spreadsheet, Louise also provides him
with some additional information as below:
Louise needs to maintain information about each member that is an account holder. In fact, the
person who attends each of the workshops is not always the account holder but can be the
dancer’s partner or employer. For each dancer, Dance Studio 358 only allows for a single sign-
up for the account.
Dance Studio 358 offers two types of memberships, namely, Gold Star Membership and
Standard Membership. The Gold Star membership provides also access to online dance
workshops offered by the studio, and the monthly dance magazine. For people that hold the
Gold Star Membership, Louise wants to keep a record of who they are and what benefits (name
of the benefit, description of the benefit) are available to them. For those who hold the Standard
Membership, she occasionally provides them with special discounts for workshops. In such
cases, it requires the system to generate discount codes.