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COMS 4771
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complete your work.
1 Combining multiple classifiers
The concept of “wisdom-of-the-crowd” posits that collective knowledge of a group as expressed
through their aggregated actions or opinions is superior to the decision of any one individual in the
group. Here we will study a version of the “wisdom-of-the-crowd” for binary classifiers: how can
one combine prediction outputs from multiple possibly low-quality binary classifiers to achieve an
aggregate high-quality final output? Consider the following iterative procedure to combine classifier
- S – a set of training samples: S = {(x1, y1), . . . , (xm, ym)}, where each yi ∈ {−1,+1}
- T – number of iterations (also, number of classifiers to combine)
- F – a set of (possibly low-quality) classifiers. Each f ∈ F , is of the form f : X → {−1,+1}
- F – a set of selected classifiers {f1, . . . , fT }, where each fi ∈ F .
- A – a set of combination weights {α1, . . . , αT }
Iterative Combination Procedure:
- Initialize distribution weights D1(i) = 1m [for i = 1, . . . ,m]
- for t = 1, . . . , T do
- // ϵj is weighted error of j-th classifier w.r.t. Dt
- Define ϵj :=
i=1Dt(i) · 1[yi ̸= fj(xi)] [for each fj ∈ F]
- // select the classifier with the smallest (weighted) error
- ft = argminfj∈F ϵj
- ϵt = minfj∈F ϵj
- // recompute weights w.r.t. performance of ft
- Compute classifier weight αt = 12 ln
- Compute distribution weight Dt+1(i) = Dt(i) exp(−αtyift(xi))
- Normalize distribution weights Dt+1(i) =
- endfor
- return weights αt, and classifiers ft for t = 1, . . . , T .