Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: THEend8_
Marketing Insight
Week1: Introduction
– Secondary data from real word (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Online
review, and public Big data)
– Surveys (personality traits and scale development)
– Observation and Field Study (e.g., food trials in a local
business or real purchase/donation in a public setting)
– Lab Experiments (within-subjects, between subjects, and time
series experiments)
Multiple Methodologies
Course Introductions
Learning Outcomes
• Employ the marketing research process to help organisations make
informed business decisions
• Evaluate pieces of scientific research, recognise the method/s used
and review the conclusions drawn
• Analyse and synthesise data gathered to form meaningful insights
Live sessions (Wednesday 10 am-12 pm)
– Recorded videos will be uploaded under "Modules" on the Canvas.
Recommended Text:
Allen, P., Bennett, K. and Heritage, B. (2019) SPSS Statistics: A Practical
Guide, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning.
[ISBN 9780170421140]
The tutorials are designed to support the lecture content and provide guidance to the planning,
execution, discussion, analysis and reporting of the group assessment components.
Tutorial activity number, date/time, location, and tutor’s name will be posted on Canvas.
Students should attend the officially enrolled tutorial session on the timetable, as there will be
planned group activities within the tutorial session. (Finalize timetable in Week2).
• Tutorial (on-campus): Check your official timetable and attend face-to-face tutorials on campus.
• Tutorial (remote): Check your official timetable and attend the live sessions via Zoom on Canvas.
1) Go to "Zoom" section on the left side bar in Canvas.
2) You should see the scheduled tutorials. Make it sure your enrolled activity number and date/time/tutor’s name.
3) Click to join your tutorial at the scheduled time.
4) Weekly tutorial material is under "Modules" on the left side bar.
Since we have all tutorial sessions on campus overcrowded, we opened new sessions at 19 pm - 20 pm on
WED and THUR (CC mode). As the ideal student number in each tutorial session is less than 30, please
consider moving to these newly opened tuts, if your tutorial is overcrowded (beyond 30). It will be much better for
all of us to work in a less crowded class.
• Exams (closed book): multiple choices, short answers
− Mid-semester (Week 7): 20% (1 hour)
− Final: 30% (2 hours)
• Term Project (group work):
− Research Report (30%): You will complete a written final research report. In this report, you will discuss
your research plan, provide evidence of your data analysis, and report your data findings/insights. planning,
executing market research, & analyzing data
− Presentation (10%): You will also showcase your research insights. All members of the group are required
to contribute to the presentation
• Class Participation (8%): Participation marks awarded will be based on one’s preparation and contributions during
tutorial activities
• Business Research Component (BRC) Assessment (2%):
− Option 1- participate in a research study.
− Option 2- research paper review.
For detailed information, please refer to the Assignments tab on your course CANVAS site.
Install SPSS
Install Citrix Workspace Application (available on Windows 7 and 10)
Step1: Click on the links based on your machine to install the Citrix Workspace App Windows or Mac.
If Connecting from CHINA, use the new VPN service https://secure-client.sydney.edu.au to enhance your connection speed.
If Citrix Workspace asks for an email address, close this dialogue. An email address is not required at this step.
Step2: Login to Citrix Workspace via browser: Go to https://uniconnect.cloud.com/ and login in the format (as
shown in the picture) "shared\unikey" and use your UniKey password.
Step3: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is being added to the UniConnect web-based portal by Wednesday 10 November.
(Read more on setting up your devices for MFA on our Services Portal at Set up MFA - Okta primary authenticator.)
Contacting the teaching team and Q&A
As the course is a mixed-mode (remote learning & on-campus), it's very important to communicate
with each other effectively. Throughout the semester, we know some of you may have questions. We
have summarized Frequent Q&As posted on Canvas (FAQ). The FAQ section will be updated
1. When you have any questions, please firstly check FAQ before contacting the teaching team.
2. If you could not find an answer from FAQ, feel free to discuss with your tutors (via email or
consultation in tutorial session). We encourage a group of students (who have a similar
question) to come together to make our communication effective.
3. If you could not find an answer from your tutors or in your group members, please use the
"Discussions" section on Canvas, where students in other groups or streams can discuss a topic
with each other. As students generally have similar questions and your peers may already have
an answer. Any student can respond to the others’ questions in the discussion section. The
teaching team will also check the "Discussions" section periodically and resolve the queries if
4. Certainly, if none of the above suits, feel free to contact the course coordinator via email or
attend a weekly consultation via Zoom (Friday 4 pm). We will find the best way to answer your
FAQ (Please check FAQ firstly before asking the teaching team)
• I want to change my tutorial session, but I cannot do so on the system.
You can change to that tutorial session in which you have formed a group only when it's not full. If you want to change your stream but
cannot on the website for some reason, please contact Timetable Unit directly. Lecturers and tutors don't have access to it. There is a
form to apply for Assistance with Timetable changes in Special Circumstances. Students must first read what those Special
Circumstances are and what the Timetable Unit will or will not be able to do for them.
• Do I have to form a group within the tutorial session?
Yes, you need to form a group within the officially enrolled tutorial session on the timetable, as there will be planned group activities
within the tutorial session.
• I have already formed a group in a different tutorial session. I want to change to that tutorial session, but it says it's full.
You can change to that tutorial session in which you have formed a group only when it's not full. So, please form a group within the
officially enrolled tutorial session on the timetable.
• I'm outside Australia. Is all the assessment I can do outside Australia (e.g., participation, exams)?
Yes, all will be online and all the students including those outside Australia can complete them online.
• I'm enrolled in another subject which also requires me to complete the BRC (Business Research Component) study,
therefore, do I have to complete two separate studies to satisfy the requirements of both?
Yes, in this case, you need to complete two different studies.
• Does every single member in the group require to submit an assignment?
If it is a group project, only one copy per group. However, all group members should contribute to it. If it is an individual assignment,
every student should submit the assignment.
Project Group Formation
Finalize project groups (5 students) for the group assessment (research report and
presentation) and submit group establishment form by Week 3 Monday 11:59pm
on Canvas. Otherwise, you will be randomly allocated at week 3 tutorial.
We will finalize group formation in the Week 3 tutorial session
Contacting other students
Students can contact each other by using Canvas’ messaging system – if they select Inbox in the
Global Navigation they can navigate to the Unit/Course and then navigate to all students, selected
students, etc., and message them that way.
Please give a mark of 100 to the group member(s) who you believed made the greatest contribution to
the group (other than yourself). Please rate the contribution of each other member of your group on a
scale of 0 to 100, where 0 means they made no contribution and 50 means they made half the
contribution of the group’s leading contributor. You are not required to rate your own contribution.
Please provide explanations for ratings of 80 or less, and if appropriate, describe how you have
attempted to encourage the group member to improve their performance (number according to the
numbers next to the group members’ names above). These comments are reviewed if students appeal
their peer evaluations, so it is important that your explanations are factual, legible and professional.
You will submit peer evaluation form “individually” by the due date of research report. Your
mark can vary depending on your group members’ peer evaluation.