7CCSMNSE Network Security Coursework
Creation date:2024-04-30 17:18:40
Network Security Coursework
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6CCS3NSE/7CCSMNSE Network Security Coursework
The goal of this coursework is to apply the knowledge and the understanding from the
classroom in a real network scenario. The overall task is to create a network, run and
observe normal traffic, then launch network attacks, and observe the impact on network
performance. Finally use network defense mechanisms to protect the network and
observe the effectiveness.
It contains several levels of tasks, and a total mark of 20.
This coursework can be done in a group or individually. The group size depends on the
experimental needs and is capped at a maximum of 4. If working in a group, all group
members are awarded the same mark that is awarded to the submitted coursework.
Once you have formed a group offline, everyone must use the link below to register
your group. If you are doing the coursework individually then you should register a
group too but your group will have just 1 member
Weight of the overall assessment : 15%
Learning outcomes:
• Demonstrate knowledge of security properties for networks and the principal
approaches to guaranteeing those properties
• Demonstrate an understanding of network attacks
• Demonstrate an understanding of network defence
Each submission (individually or in a group) should contain a report of maximally 1000
words. If working in a group, 1 submission only is required per group.
Level 1: Build a network and test its connectivity (4 marks)
At this level you are supposed to build a network using the module VMs or mininet.
• Draw a diagram to show the topology of your network. Each computer on the
diagram should have its IP address labelled.
• Test connectivity of the network by using the ping command.
o If you have a group of four people with four VM, full connectivity between
any two machines should be tested. You should also test the connectivity
to the Internet on VM.
o If you use mininet, also show the connectivity between each host in your
network. Hosts in mininet can also be connected to the Internet but it
requires extra configuration so is not compulsory at this level.
Level 2: Generate and analyse traffic on your network (4 marks)
At this level you are supposed to generate some network traffic on your network, observe
the traffic in network sniffer(s) and measure network performance. This step is important
as it builds the benchmark for you to compare with later levels.
Generate traffic :
• It is your choice of what kind of traffic you want to generate via standard Internet
applications or a tool you research and find to generate Internet traffic
• You may use Internet applications to generate traffic.
• You may set up services (SSH,FTP,SMB, etc...)
• You may use the tool iperf to generate UCP and/or TCP traffic on your network. This
makes the volume of the traffic easily controllable. Iperf can be used on VM and mininet.