Interrupts with the AXI TimerIntroduction
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LAB 4 : Interrupts with the AXI TimerIntroduction
This lab introduces the interrupt structure of the ARM processor using the AXI timer. Interrupts
allow a processor to respond to externally generated events, temporarily halting its current execu-
tion and jumping to subroutine which is written to service the interrupt. Upon completion of the
interrupt service routine, program control resumes from where the processor was interrupted.
As briefly mentioned in Lab 3, the AXI timer can be configured (either in Generate mode or Cap-
ture mode) to generate a pulse for one clock cycle on its external Interrupt port. This Interrupt
port of the AXI timer will be connected to the Interrupt Request pin of the ARM processor using
XPS. The ARM processor contains hardware (General Interrupt Controller) which is designed to
assist the processor in responding to interrupts. Software will be written to configure the interrupt
controller and to bind a user-written C++ function to the Interrupt Handler which will be executed
every time the interrupt occurs.
Setting up the user Linux environment:
1. Type the following on a terminal:
source /CMC/tools/xilinx_14.7/14.7/ISE_DS/settings64_CMC_central_license.csh
This sets up the Xilinx environment
Launching PlanAhead:
2. Launch the planAhead tool from your COEN317_LABS/Lab4 directory:
planAhead &
Create a new project from PlanAhead:
3.1. File -> New Project
3.2. A window pops up, select Next
Give your project a name and choose the desired project path.
Project name: lab4
Project location: .../COEN317_LABS/Lab4
Leave the “Create project subdirectory” checked
Select Next
3.3. RTL Project should be selected. Keep the selection.
Select Next3.4 We do not need to specify any sources, select VHDL as the target language in the drop down
Target language: VHDL
Select Next
3.5. We do not need to specify any IPs. Select Next.
3.6. We do not need to specify any UCF files for this part. Select Next.
3.7. Select the ZYNQ-7 ZC702 Evaluation Board for the project:
Select Boards
Scroll down the list and choose ZYNQ-7 ZC702 Evaluation Board
Select Next
3.8. Review settings and Select Finish
Create an embedded processor project with the Add Source wizard:
4.1. On the left panel under Project Manager, select Add Sources.
4.2. Choose Add or Create Embedded Sources and select Next
4.3. Select Create Sub-design
A window will open prompting to enter a module name. Name it “system”
Module name: system
Select OK
Select Finish
Designing the system in XPS:
XPS will be used to design the system consisting of an AXI timer and its associated AXI intercon-
nect. The Interrupt port of the timer will be connected to the processor’s interrupt request pin.
5.1. A window pops up and asks:
This project appears to be a blank zynq project.
Do you want to create a Base System using the BSB Wizard?
Select Yes
5.2. The BSB Wizard asks for additional settings
The AXI System should be selected by default with no other parameters.