ECE 455 Nanobiotechnological Systems
Creation date:2024-04-30 15:31:23
Nanobiotechnological Systems
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ECE 455 Nanobiotechnological Systems Term Paper
❖ Write a paper base on a topic of your choice. Please choose a topic closely related to the
materials covered in ECE455.
❖ Explain the working principle of the technology that is used for biology and medicine based on
the related references. Think about how they can be improved (are there any other technologies
you think can be used for the same measurement which may do better in performance?). Suggest
a way to improve the current design, including materials, methodology, sketches, etc.
❖ This term paper can be done in a group of two or three.
❖ Use the format of “Advanced Materials” journal for writing the term paper – manuscript
template, references, and the figures should use the format (refer to the Guidelines for the
Preparation of Manuscripts as attached in a separate document).
❖ The paper should have all the sections that are mentioned in the format – including an abstract
and conclusion
❖ The paper should be a minimum of 10 pages of text with a maximum of 15 pages of text.
❖ The paper can contain six figures (each one can have sub-figures) and tables occupying another
5 pages at max. Your figures and tables should be in a separate section than the body of your text.
You must cite the figures/tables properly.
❖ References are counted separately and not included in the total page limit.
❖ Although the original topic may have been proposed years ago, the majority of your selected
references papers should have been published within the last 10 years.