ECON7560 Globalisation & Economic Development
Creation date:2024-04-29 17:12:29
Globalisation & Economic Development
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ECON7560 Globalisation & Economic Development
1 Task Description
The essay should have no more than 2000 words, excluding references, tables, and figures
(and the words therein). You should use a professional format and consistent professional
& alphabetical referencing, but otherwise there are no specific requirements regarding
layout, format, or editing. The due date is June 5, 2022 at 2:00 PM (Brisbane time). This
assignment will be given a mark of 0 to 100. Late submissions will incur a penalty of 10
marks per day for up to 7 calendar days, at which point any submission will not receive
any marks unless an extension has been approved. It does not matter whether you use
American, Australian, or British English.
The essay could take any of the following formats:
• Comparative analysis
Choose two developing or recently developed countries, and write a comparative
analysis of their economic development over the last few decades and their current
situation. Your essay should describe and contrast their development paths, and
draw on several theories of development to explain the outcomes.
• Policy proposal
Choose a developing country or recently developed country, and write a policy pro-
posal. You should argue why the policy or a set of policy that may be helpful for
the country’s development. You should also discuss the potential drawbacks, risks
and/or limitations of the proposed policy.
• General Essay
Explaining a phenomenon or try to answer a question that is related to economic
development and/or globalization.
In the Blackboard, there are some readings that may help you with choosing a case or
topic. You could choose one of the topics if you’d like. But you are free to choose another
topic or case study that interests you most.
2 Objectives
The main goals of the course essay are:
• to cultivate the abilities of applying economic concepts and analytical methods in
analyzing real world phenomenons.
• to cultivate the abilities of independent learning;
• to promote critical thinking;
• to expose students to a diverse set of topics in economics.
• to foster writing skills;
• to provide opportunities of doing some research.
Students are expected to learn about a chosen case or topic as through as they can and
communicate their understanding through brief essay.
3 Marking Criteria
3.1 Substance (70%)
• How well the subject matter has been grasped.
• How effectively the subject matter has been critically analyzed.
• Arguments are clearly and coherently presented.
• The analysis is rigorous.
• Identify the central issues.
• Related issues are properly discussed.
• Only relevant materials are included.
• Terminology is correctly used.
• Information, such as background and related data, is accurate.
• Assumptions that are made in the analysis are reasonable.
• Analyzing an interesting issue, topic, or case that are broadly related to economic
development and / or globalization.
• Show that you understand related literature.
• Show that you are able to search and find relevant literature and materials to under-
stand the topic of your essay.
• Show skills in locating related data and analyze them properly.
3.2 Writing and Format (30%)
• Writing is fluid and coherent.
• The essay is well structured.
• Absence of grammatic and spelling mistakes.
• References are properly cited.
• If it helps in communicating your ideas, you may (but do not have to) include table
figures, charts, etc.
• No more than 2000 words (1% mark would be deducted for every 20 words over
• You have an option to include an appendix. Technical details may be included in
the appendix, where words are excluded from the 2000 word limit. Content in the
appendix would not be graded unless clarification is required and the appendix pro-
vides details for the clarification.