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AI4BH – COMP0172
Geoffrey Hinton, one of the most prominent computer scientists and deep learning expert said in 2016: “We should stop training radiologists now. It's just completely obvious that within five years, deep learning is going to do better than radiologists”.
He further argued that “Any old problem where you have to predict something and you have a lot of data, deep learning is probably going to make it work better than the existing techniques”. We are in 2022 and there is a lot of evidence of the potential of deep learning. In this coursework you are asked to comment on G. Hinton’s statement. Should we stop training radiologists?
More specifically, you are asked to write a 2000 - 2500 words essay structured as follows:
Context (10%): What is radiology? What kind of techniques are used in radiology? What does a radiologist do?
Rationale (10%): What are some of the current challenges (2 at least) in radiology that would benefit from machine learning?
Argumentation (20%): Pro: Can you give some arguments in favour of G.H. statement? (2 arguments) Cons: What about against? (2 arguments)
Andrew Ng, another pioneer of modern machine learning said: “I want to live in an AI- powered society. When anyone goes to see a doctor, I want AI to help that doctor provide higher quality and lower cost medical service.”
Comment (10%): What does A.N. mean by that? How can AI increase quality of care while lowering costs in radiology?
Robustness (20%): What are the current challenges in deploying deep learning solutions for radiology in clinical practice (3 challenges at least)? How would you tackle those challenges? (Unlimited data is not an option).
Fairness (10%): Explain how machine learning solutions for radiology can be unfair? Why would that happen? How would you stop it from happening? (More data is not an option)
Ethics (10%): What ethical consideration should be considered? Example: what are the potential dangers of private companies having access to radiology data? What about AI models able to identify sensitive attributes from radiology images?
Overall presentation (10%)
You need to defend your statements with references and, if required, you need to describe the technical solutions. Below are a few papers related to the topic, but you are more than welcome to find your own or use others such as the suggested readings from the lectures.