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Unit Code: WECO1020 Unit Name: Principles of Economics 1 Duration of Exam (including reading time if applicable): Reading Time 10 minutes Writing Time 2 hours Assessment Administration (including downloading/printing the question paper and scanning and uploading of answer file) 30 minutes TOTAL TIME 2 hours 40 minutes Total No. of Questions: 5 (five) questions Total No. of Pages (including this cover sheet): 4 (four) pages
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS: • Macquarie University operates under a ‘Fit to Sit’ model. This means that by downloading the exam paper, a student declares themselves fit to do so. • The due time will not be extended in case a student downloads an exam paper later than the start time specified for an exam. • Students are required to follow the instructions provided to them by their teacher, a Senior Teacher, on iLearn or in the relevant assessment task documents. • This exam paper may not be disseminated in any way. • Students may only access authorised materials during this examination. A list of authorised material is available on this cover sheet. • This is an individual assessment task. Students must refrain from communicating in any way with another student or other third parties during the examination. • If it is alleged a student has breached these rules at any time during the examination, the matter may be reported to the University for further action.
A 10-minute Zoom session will be available during the reading time at the start of this exam. If you have any queries regarding the instructions or questions in the exam paper, you can “Zoom in” and talk to a Teacher/Senior Teacher. This zoom session link will be available above the examination link on iLearn on the day/time of your exam. Any further questions after the 10-minute period cannot be answered. INSTRUCTIONS 1. This examination must be completed, and your answer file uploaded to the Final Exam submission link provided on iLearn within the time stipulated. Late submissions will NOT be accepted. 2. This paper consists of the following sections: Question Type of Question Unit Content Examined Marks Allocated 1 short answer Questions may be on any content covered in this unit. 9 marks 2 short answer 9 marks 3 short answer 9 marks 4 short answer 9 marks 5 short answer 9 marks Exam TOTAL 5 questions 45 marks 3. Write your Student ID number, Name and Surname at the top of each page of your answer document. 4. Attempt all questions in this paper as per instructions provided. 5. To complete this exam, use your own paper to handwrite your answers. You must clearly label each part of the question you are answering. Typed answers will NOT be accepted and will be awarded zero marks. 6. No marks will be awarded for unlabelled or illegible work.
7. All diagrams must be hand-drawn. No marks will be awarded for diagrams that are copied and pasted from lesson notes, other texts, the internet, or any other source. 8. Use a scanner (or scanner app**) to create ONE pdf or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file containing all your answers. ** Use a free scanning app, such as: • Camscanner • Microsoft Lens • Adobe Scan These are examples of apps that allow you to take photos of your pages using your mobile phone’s camera and combine them together into a single pdf document. 9. Submit your answer document by uploading it to the submission link provided on iLearn BEFORE the deadline. You can only upload ONE file containing all your answers to this link. The only accepted file types for upload are: • pdf • Microsoft Word® (.doc and .docx) No other file types will be accepted. 10. Verify that your submission to the submission link on iLearn was successful. • Re-open the submission link and check that your submission can be opened and viewed, and that you have uploaded the correct file. • It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit the correct file. • If you submit the wrong file you will NOT be given the opportunity to resubmit after the exam deadline. • It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit to the correct submission link. • If you submit to the wrong link you will NOT be given the opportunity to resubmit after the exam deadline. • You can resubmit your file until the exam deadline. 11. Failure to upload your answers BEFORE the deadline will result in a zero mark being awarded for this task. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
SUBMISSION TROUBLE-SHOOTING If you experience any difficulties during submission, refer to the following table for a solution. Note that in all instances, your EMAIL must be received BEFORE the exam deadline. Potential Problem: What to do: Experiencing difficulties with the submission because of a technical issue. Your EMAIL must be received BEFORE the exam deadline. Emails received after the deadline will not be considered.
AIDS AND MATERIALS PERMITTED: This is an open book examination. You may access your unit’s iLearn space class notes and lesson materials, personal handwritten notes and textbook. Use of other internet sites or materials are NOT permitted. Calculators are permitted. Candidates must supply their own materials as these will not be supplied by the University. Materials permitted in the examination may not be shared among students.